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League of legends crashes after leaving champion select screen.

Author Replies
TimidCat Thursday 31 July 2014 at 16:37

After the champion select screen, the logo shows up normally and it enters a black screen but after 1 second the black screen disapears and returns to the client lobby thing.

Please help me, i've been digging everywhere.

Here is the output from debugger:

Edited by TimidCat

FelixArg Friday 1 August 2014 at 0:21

i have the same problem. i posted i and they told me to use wine 32 bits....
im still googling for it

TimidCat Friday 1 August 2014 at 2:38

Oh yes, I forgot. Here's some extra info:

64 bit linux mint 17

nvidia gt 630 using the 331 proprietary driver

wine version 1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 32 bit

Dangjazone Friday 15 August 2014 at 5:29

I also am struggling with this. Everything works and loads perfectly---right up until after champion select. I receive a bug splat every time. Currently attempting to reinstall. Will report back.


Linux Mint 14 64 bit

Radeon HD 7870 using proprietary driver

Wine version 1.7.10-LeagueOfLegends2 32 bit

Ronin DUSETTE Friday 15 August 2014 at 8:58

The error in the original post is this:


  1. err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution


You need to install Samba and winbind. That is specifically for the original poster, as that is specific to their debug output. We would still be guessing without that. If you could pastebin that here, we can look at it. 

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Dangjazone Saturday 16 August 2014 at 2:51

Understandable. Here's is the log output from my most recent attempt to load the game from the champion select screen: 

I have both Samba and winbind installed. For me, I find that my issue is identical to a bug reported here:


I followed the thread/bug report to the end, attempting any and all suggestions. Still can't get the game to load beyond the champion select screen. I will say that other than champion select, everything seems to be functional.

Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 16 August 2014 at 3:17

Says paste has been removed

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Dangjazone Saturday 16 August 2014 at 3:21

Don't include the period at the end of the link, it should work then.

Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 16 August 2014 at 4:11

Oh snap. I thought that was just a piece of dust on my screen. That is odd. 

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Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 16 August 2014 at 4:12

Yours looks like a driver or lib issue with graphics, considering the d3d errors.

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Dangjazone Saturday 16 August 2014 at 4:54

Any suggestions on how to fix said issues?

Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 16 August 2014 at 7:04

I am not sure. Do this.

Start POL, HIGHLIGHT (not double-click) the game on the main POL screen, and to the left, click "debug". It will run the program, popping up another window. When it crashes, pastebin that windows output and let us see if it shows us anything. 

Also, you need to install the 32 bit libraries for your system, if you haven't already. For mint, it should be:

sudo apt-get install multiarch-support

Then restart, and try again. You are either missing a 32 bit graphics lib, or something in LoL broke. LoL breaking is far more likely, as there have been a lot of reports about this game being broken recently. It tends to happen frequently with their updates, as when this happens, there is usually required a new wine patch or a fix to the script. It is the nature of this game, unfortunately. 

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eimantasks Sunday 17 August 2014 at 9:21

same problem here, searched the web ALOT none of those 32 bit libraries installations helped me it doesn't even run on my 32 machiene any more with POL 4.2.4

petch Sunday 17 August 2014 at 9:55

Can your hostname be dns-solved using /etc/hosts?

swincher4391 Sunday 4 January 2015 at 19:38

Champion select ends, loading screen begins and then there is a green dot over my splash art followed by a bug splat. POL debugger output in the pastebin above.

iiwii Tuesday 6 January 2015 at 7:03


sudo apt-get install libtxc-dxtn0 libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386

you need 32bit version, even if you system is 64bit. Worked for me when I had the same issue.

If you are using Fedora then

yum install libtxc_dxtn.x86_64 libtxc_dxtn.i686

Edited by iiwii

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 6 January 2015 at 7:29

I am sure they saw that answer in other threads. Please don't copy/paste responses. ;)

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iiwii Tuesday 6 January 2015 at 9:09

Sorry, I wanted to make sure they saw it.

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