I have got Ableton 8 and 9 to work with POL, Jack and Wineasio with my M-audio MobilePre USB audio interface. My only problem is that when the music is playing, and I am using 128 or 256 frames per period, I get lots of cracks and pops noises. IK Multimedia Amplitube 3 on stand alone mode works perfectly with this configuration, as well as Ardour with the same Jack and audio interface at 128 frames per period.
Giving priority 99 and nice -20 to jack and the wineserver did not help resolve the problem.
It seems as if the noises are somewhat related to changes on the screen itself, since when a window is opened or refreshed, or the level meters change faster, I can hear more noises, but there are noises even if I minimize everything and just stare at the desktop.
I am using Lubuntu 14.04 with LXDE, Wine 1.5.25, and the latest Wineasio from kxstudio repository - 0.9.0+git20110613-2kxstudio1.
Any ideas what should I be checking next?
I am finding POL, Wine and Wineasio to be super..!!! hate to have a dual installation of Windows just for Ableton...
Thank you!