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Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

instalation on Play on Linux

Author Replies
guyx666 Wednesday 5 March 2008 at 5:47

is it possible to install and play Call of Duty 4 on "Play on linux." ?
i have try with wine 0.9.56 recompiled with the 3dpatch...and the game don't want to start for me

if someone find a way to script the installer and the patch 1.4
i can't wait to play this game on Linux....
cendre Saturday 8 March 2008 at 23:27
cendre , an unofficial script for POL
St00pidChicken Friday 21 March 2008 at 18:37

Thank you for the "unofficial script" url, but i noticed that thread (and the script) is in french (I believe). Should it run fine on an English install (I haven't tried it yet)?

Also, I installed POL, and even did a "wineboot", but none of the POL scripts will run on my machine. Do I need to actually reboot??
lophie Friday 6 June 2008 at 10:48

well it worked for me and the game launches and loads way faster than in windows -compatibility is great I even patched it to v1.6- I'm playing on our campus LAN with other windows losers -I mean users :P- (punkbuster won't work till now but I read about fixing this in the upcoming versions of wine)

well I still faced huge problems :
1- the game takes the resolution of the desktop so if you want to play at 800x600 you have to change the desktop resolution first (I use Ubuntu hardy heron 8.04 waiting for feedback about other distributions.)
2- the game setting is always thrown to MAXIMUM in everything so you have to fix that
3- you must play a little with the audio options to be able to hear the voice chat in multi player
4- I can't whatsoever make my voice reach the other players using the voice chat
4- low low low low FPS but still playable to some level

I have XFX 8500GT 512RAM 450MHz -
note: I wanted to blame the low fps on the card but the effects in the game says go to hell if you don't like me.

My plan for now :
I'm trying to download and install 3D Mark6 within the CoD4wine prefix and try to patch DirectX from there and I'll come with the feedback as soon as I finish.

Please guys I'm dying to get rid of windows and this game is the only thing stopping me anyhelp would be appreciated.

I hope I helped a little

aLoNe bUt sAne .... hErE cOmEs ThE LoPhe SuiCire.
lophie Friday 6 June 2008 at 10:49

About the patches :

just install them normally within the same prefix as CoD4

aLoNe bUt sAne .... hErE cOmEs ThE LoPhe SuiCire.
nippelsauger Sunday 6 June 2010 at 17:24


Edited by nippelsauger

lahtis Wednesday 23 June 2010 at 1:58

Im install a Call of Duty Word at War using CoD4 script. COD4 script install a successfully COD5.

Using Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and latest Playonlinux.
My scripts:
danger89 Saturday 14 August 2010 at 22:28

You can just run the installer of CoD4 again (exit the installation), BUT when it ask for the game patch you need to select 1.7 Patch.

However I get a BLACKscreen :( I hear the background music... pinch: Help?

Donaldus Tuesday 21 June 2011 at 10:05

I got that too. Any help?

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