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League Of Legends PBE!

Where is your programmer, and what does he do?

Author Replies
zeenarus Sunday 8 June 2014 at 16:34

Alright, so you guys have probably installed League Of Legends already. Cool game. Then, you realize that there is another server to allow access to the Beta Server, with all the changes and 10k rp and ip right off the bat, along with level 30. Even cooler!

How do we access it?

There is another seperate file(about one gigabyte) you can download from the official league site for the PBE client. You will notice it has about three files in it, the RADS, and the two LOLlauncher.exe's. 

You also have those three exact files in your original folder for league, located in the wineprefix of your \.PlayOnLinux folder. Ooooh, this is where the magic starts. 

Switch the RADS, and switch the .exe's.


Hey look, I'm running the PBE patcher using the same script that Quentin made.


Oh man, there's three gigs of data worth to download. Better grab a snickers and wait.

ert65 Sunday 8 June 2014 at 18:15

i don't want to dissapoint you, but you need account for this pbe and i think that registrations are closed for now. If you have pbe account and can play, pls shre with us your expirience with the new map and the performance under linux.
zeenarus Sunday 8 June 2014 at 18:39

It should be fairly easy to get a PBE account. I already have like two or three of them, actually. 

The link to signing up and waiting for an account is here:

Patcher is working smoothly so far, just waiting for an the chance to log in and test some stuff(after it downloads three gigs :P)

EDIT: Got into the AIR client for league. Seems smooth so far

Findings Are As Follows:
Everything works as smooth as it did before. Only noticeable difference is in the shop, the Katarina processing icon when buying something is replaced with a small question mark(probably missing file).

Edited by zeenarus

ConstableCupcake Friday 4 July 2014 at 6:54

Post deleted

Edited by ConstableCupcake

izberion Saturday 5 July 2014 at 1:44


It should be fairly easy to get a PBE account. I already have like two or three of them, actually. 

The link to signing up and waiting for an account is here:

Patcher is working smoothly so far, just waiting for an the chance to log in and test some stuff(after it downloads three gigs :P)

EDIT: Got into the AIR client for league. Seems smooth so far

Findings Are As Follows:
Everything works as smooth as it did before. Only noticeable difference is in the shop, the Katarina processing icon when buying something is replaced with a small question mark(probably missing file).


Wait so the rp shop works in PoL on the PBE? Is it working on the main server too finally? :O

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