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Problem start playonlinux

On Kali Linux

Author Replies
iHack Monday 24 February 2014 at 0:37

Hello guys,

I have a problem with playonlinux, when i start program show 2 Errors

1.Your filesystem might prevent PlayOnLinux from running correctly.

Please open PlayOnLinux in a terminal to get more details

After i press OK...

2.Do you want to help PlayOnLinux to make a compatibility database?

If you click yes, the following things will be sent to us anonymously the first time you run a Windows program:

- You graphic card model
- Your OS version
- If graphic drivers are installed or not.

These information will be very precious for us to help people.

petch Monday 24 February 2014 at 7:15

How is the second one an error messsage?
iHack Monday 24 February 2014 at 12:06

2.Do you want to help PlayOnLinux to make a compatibility database?

If you click yes, the following things will be sent to us anonymously the first time you run a Windows program:

- You graphic card model
- Your OS version
- If graphic drivers are installed or not.

These information will be very precious for us to help people.
iHack Monday 24 February 2014 at 12:10

petch Monday 24 February 2014 at 12:47

petch Monday 24 February 2014 at 12:50

For the first one, do as it says and report
iHack Monday 24 February 2014 at 15:17

in source was like

When i delete fi program was start corectly
petch Monday 24 February 2014 at 18:46

I understood neither your problem, nor the "solution'

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