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Steam - Ragnarok. Not working
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steelcitytigger | Friday 7 February 2014 at 15:00 |
Hello everybody.
First of all, I'm not the most tekkie person out there so I'm sorry if I make some really silly mistakes. I have installed Steam using PlayOnMac fine and downloaded a game "Ragnarok Online". It goes to the patch menu and I click play. Then it goes black and I get the following error messages. "Installing Microsoft VC Redist Setup" - a pop up says Steam.exe has crashed. Here is the problem code. Unhandled exception: C++ exception(object = 0x0033f4d4, type = 0x1009c200) in 32-bit code (0x7b82f0c1). Register dump: CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f EIP:7b82f0c1 ESP:0033f3c4 EBP:0033f438 EFLAGS:00000206( - -- I - -P- ) EAX:7b819439 EBX:7b82f02a ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000 ESI:100187ac EDI:00000000 Stack dump: 0x0033f3c4: 0033f474 0000000c 0000003c 00110064 0x0033f3d4: 0017d738 00000178 0033f450 e06d7363 0x0033f3e4: 00000001 00000000 7b82f0c1 00000003 0x0033f3f4: 19930520 0033f4d4 1009c200 00415ce4 0x0033f404: 7bc4710b 0033f468 7bc47216 00110060 0x0033f414: 0017d738 0017d738 0033f434 00000002 0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw- Backtrace: =>0 0x7b82f0c1 RaiseException+0xae() in kernel32 (0x0033f438) 1 0x1008188f in setupengine (+0x8188e) (0x0033f480) 2 0x10066e96 in setupengine (+0x66e95) (0x0033f4f0) 3 0x1006380b in setupengine (+0x6380a) (0x0033f510) 4 0x10061405 in setupengine (+0x61404) (0x0033f548) 5 0x10035a52 in setupengine (+0x35a51) (0x0033f5b8) 6 0x1006b83a in setupengine (+0x6b839) (0x0033fd18) 7 0x1005faa0 in setupengine (+0x5fa9f) (0x0033fd88) 8 0x100580de in setupengine (+0x580dd) (0x0033fddc) 9 0x00402928 in setup (+0x2927) (0x0033fe70) 10 0x7b85d3ac call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fe88) 11 0x7b85d510 start_process+0x161() in kernel32 (0x0033fee8) 12 0x7bc828ec call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033ff08) 13 0x7bc82932 call_thread_func+0x3b() in ntdll (0x0033ff98) 14 0x7bc828b2 call_thread_entry_point+0x11() in ntdll (0x0033ffb8) 15 0x7bc50f58 start_process+0x23() in ntdll (0x0033ffe8) 0x7b82f0c1 RaiseException+0xae in kernel32: subl $4,%esp Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (244 modules) ELF 0-82001000 Stabs <wine-loader> PE 400000- 415000 Deferred setup PE 10000000-100c8000 Deferred setupengine PE 40001000-401b9000 Deferred libwine.1.0.dylib ELF 41a82000-41aff000 Deferred advapi32<elf> \-PE 41a90000-41ae6000 \ advapi32 ELF 41c82000-41e05000 Deferred user32<elf> \-PE 41c90000-41db3000 \ user32 ELF 41e05000-41f44000 Deferred gdi32<elf> \-PE 41e10000-41ed2000 \ gdi32 ELF 41f5e000-41f7b000 Deferred version<elf> \-PE 41f60000-41f78000 \ version ELF 41f7b000-41fa8000 Deferred mpr<elf> \-PE 41f80000-41fa1000 \ mpr ELF 41fa8000-41fce000 Deferred cabinet<elf> \-PE 41fb0000-41fcb000 \ cabinet ELF 41fce000-41fe9000 Deferred userenv<elf> \-PE 41fd0000-41fe5000 \ userenv ELF 41fe9000-41fff000 Deferred psapi<elf> \-PE 41ff0000-41ffd000 \ psapi ELF 43000000-43274000 Deferred shell32<elf> \-PE 43010000-43229000 \ shell32 ELF 43274000-43305000 Deferred shlwapi<elf> \-PE 43280000-432dc000 \ shlwapi ELF 43305000-43487000 Deferred ole32<elf> \-PE 43310000-4343b000 \ ole32 ELF 43487000-4352b000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf> \-PE 43490000-43504000 \ rpcrt4 ELF 4352b000-4369f000 Deferred oleaut32<elf> \-PE 43530000-43647000 \ oleaut32 ELF 4369f000-4380d000 Deferred msi<elf> \-PE 436b0000-437ac000 \ msi ELF 4380d000-438dd000 Deferred urlmon<elf> \-PE 43810000-438b2000 \ urlmon ELF 438dd000-43966000 Deferred wininet<elf> \-PE 438e0000-43951000 \ wininet ELF 43966000-43aa3000 Deferred comctl32<elf> \-PE 43970000-43a72000 \ comctl32 ELF 43aa3000-43af2000 Deferred winhttp<elf> \-PE 43ab0000-43add000 \ winhttp ELF 43af2000-43b2e000 Deferred secur32<elf> \-PE 43b00000-43b25000 \ secur32 ELF 43b2e000-43b68000 Deferred netapi32<elf> \-PE 43b30000-43b5b000 \ netapi32 ELF 43b68000-43b93000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf> \-PE 43b70000-43b8c000 \ iphlpapi ELF 43b93000-43bca000 Deferred ws2_32<elf> \-PE 43ba0000-43bc2000 \ ws2_32 ELF 43bca000-43c09000 Deferred wintrust<elf> \-PE 43bd0000-43bfe000 \ wintrust ELF 43c09000-43cf4000 Deferred crypt32<elf> \-PE 43c10000-43cd4000 \ crypt32 ELF 43cf4000-43da9000 Deferred msvcrt<elf> \-PE 43d00000-43d84000 \ msvcrt PE 43da9000-43e36000 Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib ELF 43e36000-43ee0000 Deferred winemac<elf> \-PE 43e40000-43eb3000 \ winemac ELF 455c4000-45600000 Deferred uxtheme<elf> \-PE 455d0000-455f7000 \ uxtheme PE 456e1000-4571b000 Deferred familycontrols PE 4571b000-45730000 Deferred commercecore ELF 46a3f000-46aa6000 Deferred msxml3<elf> \-PE 46a50000-46a90000 \ msxml3 PE 6cd00000-6cd24000 Deferred sqmapi ELF 7b800000-7ba79000 Stabs kernel32<elf> \-PE 7b810000-7ba3d000 \ kernel32 ELF 7bc00000-7bcf8000 Stabs ntdll<elf> \-PE 7bc10000-7bcba000 \ ntdll PE 907c9000-907cf000 Deferred libdiagnosticmessagesclient.dyli PE 907fe000-9082a000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib PE 907fe000-9082a000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib PE 90832000-9083b000 Deferred help PE 90832000-9083b000 Deferred help PE 90839000-90bc9000 Deferred security PE 90839000-90bc9000 Deferred security PE 90839000-90bc9000 Deferred security PE 90b46000-91009000 Deferred foundation PE 90e72000-90efa000 Deferred printcore PE 90ef2000-90f48000 Deferred coreservicesinternal PE 90ef2000-90f48000 Deferred coreservicesinternal PE 90ef2000-90f48000 Deferred coreservicesinternal PE 9100f000-91658000 Deferred facecore PE 9100f000-91658000 Deferred facecore PE 9100f000-91658000 Deferred facecore PE 9100f000-91658000 Deferred facecore PE 9100f000-91658000 Deferred facecore PE 914b3000-914d1000 Deferred sharing PE 914c2000-914d2000 Deferred libcgcms.a.dylib PE 9153b000-91737000 Deferred audiotoolbox PE 916ae000-919d5000 Deferred vimage PE 91999000-91bcc000 Deferred cfnetwork PE 91999000-91bcc000 Deferred cfnetwork PE 91d51000-91d57000 Deferred audiounit PE 91d51000-91d57000 Deferred audiounit PE 91dc6000-91f41000 Deferred libblas.dylib PE 9219c000-921a5000 Deferred tcc PE 921cb000-92268000 Deferred ats PE 921cb000-92268000 Deferred ats PE 92262000-9226c000 Deferred libheimdal-asn1.dylib PE 926ad000-926bd000 Deferred libcompiler_rt.dylib PE 926b3000-926c5000 Deferred speechrecognition PE 926bd000-926cd000 Deferred aosnotification PE 926bd000-926cd000 Deferred aosnotification PE 92707000-9270c000 Deferred liblangid.dylib PE 927aa000-927b2000 Deferred libsystem_configuration.dylib PE 927b0000-927e1000 Deferred kerberos PE 9283a000-9287f000 Deferred ldap PE 9283a000-9287f000 Deferred ldap PE 92873000-928b8000 Deferred libglimage.dylib PE 928b1000-92972000 Deferred ink PE 929a1000-92ac0000 Deferred discrecording PE 92c0f000-92d35000 Deferred coretext PE 92c0f000-92d35000 Deferred coretext PE 92cff000-93ea6000 Deferred appkit PE 9394d000-93a83000 Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib PE 9394d000-93a83000 Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib PE 93a87000-93acf000 Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib PE 93a87000-93acf000 Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib PE 93abd000-93c6a000 Deferred desktopservicespriv PE 93abd000-93c6a000 Deferred desktopservicespriv PE 943fd000-94890000 Deferred coregraphics PE 943fd000-94890000 Deferred coregraphics PE 947f7000-948c0000 Deferred qd PE 9489a000-948aa000 Deferred commonauth PE 949d2000-94a62000 Deferred symbolication PE 949d2000-94a62000 Deferred symbolication PE 94bfb000-94c1e000 Deferred libpng.dylib PE 94c17000-94c2c000 Deferred applefscompression PE 94c17000-94c2c000 Deferred applefscompression PE 94c9d000-94d3e000 Deferred coresymbolication PE 94c9d000-94d3e000 Deferred coresymbolication PE 94c9d000-94d3e000 Deferred coresymbolication PE 94d34000-94d56000 Deferred multitouchsupport PE 94d49000-94fab000 Deferred quartzcore PE 94d49000-94fab000 Deferred quartzcore PE 94d49000-94fab000 Deferred quartzcore PE 94f26000-95342000 Deferred liblapack.dylib PE 94f26000-95342000 Deferred liblapack.dylib PE 94f26000-95342000 Deferred liblapack.dylib PE 9535a000-95372000 Deferred crashreportersupport PE 9535a000-95372000 Deferred crashreportersupport PE 9535a000-95372000 Deferred crashreportersupport PE 953b0000-953b6000 Deferred trustevaluationagent PE 95568000-9556f000 Deferred securityhi PE 9556b000-95588000 Deferred librarian PE 9556b000-95588000 Deferred librarian PE 9564a000-95661000 Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib PE 9564a000-95661000 Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib PE 95688000-9568f000 Deferred libunc.dylib PE 95688000-9568f000 Deferred libunc.dylib PE 956e2000-956eb000 Deferred libgif.dylib PE 956e2000-956eb000 Deferred libgif.dylib PE 956e7000-956f8000 Deferred libkxld.dylib PE 95807000-9608a000 Deferred performanceanalysis PE 95807000-9608a000 Deferred performanceanalysis PE 95807000-9608a000 Deferred performanceanalysis PE 95807000-9608a000 Deferred performanceanalysis PE 95807000-9608a000 Deferred performanceanalysis PE 959fe000-95a01000 Deferred cocoa PE 9644d000-964ac000 Deferred libcorecrypto.dylib PE 96e1a000-96e23000 Deferred libutil.dylib PE 96e1a000-96e23000 Deferred libutil.dylib PE 97222000-9736f000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib PE 97222000-9736f000 Deferred libfontparser.dylib PE 97471000-9747a000 Deferred libmacho.dylib PE 9747f000-974ab000 Deferred imagecapture PE 9747f000-974ab000 Deferred imagecapture PE 974f2000-97819000 Deferred coredata PE 974f2000-97819000 Deferred coredata PE 97757000-9775d000 Deferred libodfde.dylib PE 97757000-9775d000 Deferred libodfde.dylib PE 97859000-97a1e000 Deferred libobjc.a.dylib PE 97a02000-97a11000 Deferred libgfxshared.dylib PE 97a15000-97b53000 Deferred backup PE 97a15000-97b53000 Deferred backup PE 97a15000-97b53000 Deferred backup PE 97b89000-97cad000 Deferred libjp2.dylib PE 97c88000-97dc4000 Deferred diskimages PE 97c88000-97dc4000 Deferred diskimages PE 9825a000-98301000 Deferred securityfoundation PE 9825a000-98301000 Deferred securityfoundation PE 9825a000-98301000 Deferred securityfoundation PE 98528000-98611000 Deferred metadata PE 985c1000-98610000 Deferred systemadministration PE 985c1000-98610000 Deferred systemadministration PE 985c1000-98610000 Deferred systemadministration PE 98616000-9861d000 Deferred libremovefile.dylib PE 98618000-9864f000 Deferred chunkinglibrary PE 98644000-9868c000 Deferred mediakit PE 98644000-9868c000 Deferred mediakit PE 98644000-9868c000 Deferred mediakit PE 9867e000-986e3000 Deferred remoteviewservices PE 986e1000-98732000 Deferred bom PE 9873c000-98752000 Deferred opengl PE 98751000-98791000 Deferred corevideo PE 998bb000-99910000 Deferred libcurl.4.dylib PE 99965000-99981000 Deferred libsystem_asl.dylib PE 99978000-9999a000 Deferred libgl.dylib PE 99988000-999cf000 Deferred debugsymbols PE 99988000-999cf000 Deferred debugsymbols PE 99a36000-99a74000 Deferred libsystem_kernel.dylib PE 99cd3000-99d31000 Deferred iconservices PE 99e22000-99e6e000 Deferred dictionaryservices PE 99e4f000-99e75000 Deferred libcrfsuite.dylib PE 99e4f000-99e75000 Deferred libcrfsuite.dylib PE 99ed5000-99ede000 Deferred efilogin PE 99ed5000-99ede000 Deferred efilogin PE 99fc9000-9a361000 Deferred coreimage PE 9a43b000-9a4aa000 Deferred scalableuserinterface PE 9a43b000-9a4aa000 Deferred scalableuserinterface PE 9a50f000-9a5d3000 Deferred libcorestorage.dylib PE 9a50f000-9a5d3000 Deferred libcorestorage.dylib PE 9a50f000-9a5d3000 Deferred libcorestorage.dylib PE 9a5b1000-9a929000 Deferred carboncore PE 9aab6000-9af91000 Deferred hitoolbox PE 9ae2c000-9aea6000 Deferred htmlrendering PE 9ae80000-9ae9d000 Deferred langanalysis PE 9ae80000-9ae9d000 Deferred langanalysis PE 9ae9b000-9af2b000 Deferred heimdal PE 9ae9b000-9af2b000 Deferred heimdal PE 9af51000-9af79000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib PE 9af6f000-9af9d000 Deferred ubiquity PE 9af8c000-9afa1000 Deferred libcsfde.dylib PE 9afed000-9aff8000 Deferred loginuicore PE 9afed000-9aff8000 Deferred loginuicore PE 9b164000-9b176000 Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib PE 9b171000-9b18d000 Deferred opendirectory PE 9b17e000-9b1df000 Deferred opencl PE 9b17e000-9b1df000 Deferred opencl PE 9b1e4000-9b1f7000 Deferred directoryservice PE 9b1e4000-9b1f7000 Deferred directoryservice PE 9b776000-9b780000 Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib PE 9b776000-9b780000 Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib PE 9b7fd000-9b809000 Deferred iosurface PE 9b8dc000-9b980000 Deferred iokit PE 9b952000-9b9b0000 Deferred libcups.2.dylib PE 9ba4b000-9ba52000 Deferred libcvmspluginsupport.dylib PE 9ba4b000-9ba52000 Deferred libcvmspluginsupport.dylib PE 9bee0000-9bf47000 Deferred libtiff.dylib PE 9bee0000-9bf47000 Deferred libtiff.dylib PE 9bee0000-9bf47000 Deferred libtiff.dylib PE 9bee0000-9bf47000 Deferred libtiff.dylib PE 9bf43000-9c013000 Deferred colorsync PE 9bf43000-9c013000 Deferred colorsync Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 0000000e services.exe 0000001e 0 0000001d 0 00000014 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000012 winedevice.exe 0000001c 0 00000019 0 00000017 0 00000013 0 0000001a plugplay.exe 00000020 0 0000001f 0 0000001b 0 00000021 explorer.exe 00000022 0 00000018 rpcss.exe 00000058 0 0000005c 0 0000005a 0 0000005d 0 00000052 0 0000004f 0 0000004d rpcss.exe 00000065 0 00000054 0 00000055 0 00000061 0 00000060 0 0000004e 0 00000050 rpcss.exe 0000006c 0 00000071 0 00000070 0 0000006f 0 0000006d 0 00000051 0 00000075 Steam.exe 0000006e 0 00000084 0 0000002b 0 00000040 0 0000003f 0 0000003e 0 0000003d 0 00000036 0 00000035 0 00000033 0 0000002f 0 00000032 0 00000031 0 0000002e 0 0000002d 0 00000045 0 0000002a 0 00000027 0 00000026 0 00000030 0 00000037 0 00000038 0 00000039 0 00000072 0 00000073 0 00000064 0 00000016 0 00000056 0 00000080 0 00000079 0 00000066 0 00000062 0 0000007a 0 00000074 0 0000007c 0 0000007f 0 0000007b 0 00000096 0 00000097 0 00000059 0 00000057 0 00000085 0 00000049 0 0000007d 0 00000078 0 00000077 0 00000076 0 0000006b SteamService.exe 0000005e 0 0000000c vcredist_x86.exe 00000041 0 00000042 0 00000044 GameOverlayUI.exe 0000004c 0 00000029 0 00000028 0 00000023 0 00000024 0 00000086 0 00000053 0 00000092 0 0000008e 0 00000047 0 00000046 0 00000043 0 0000002c (D) C:\f57cd418bd11224234d30c3d6b24\Setup.exe 0000004a 0 <== System information: Wine build: wine-1.7.11 Platform: i386 Host system: Darwin Host version: 13.0.0 Once I close this box, I get 4 pop ups saying "cannot find sprite.act" and "cannot find file sprit.spr" Then I get an Unexpected Shutdown Error with this message. Module Name: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Ragnarok_Europe\Ragexe.exe Time Stamp: 0x52ce2aa2 - Thu Jan 09 04:50:42 2014 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x00594400 ragexe 0x007777f9 ragexe 0x007de5f3 ragexe 0x007df732 ragexe 0x7b85d3ac kernel32 0x7b85d510 kernel32 0x7bc828ec ntdll 0x7bc82932 ntdll 0x7bc828b2 ntdll 0x7bc50f58 ntdll eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x00000000 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x02501064 esi: 0x00000000 edi: 0x00000000 ebp: 0x00000000 esp: 0x0033fff0 stack 0033fff0 - 003403f0 0033FFF0 : AE D3 85 7B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00340000 : 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00340010 : B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00340020 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00340030 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 00 00 00 00340040 : 0E 1F BA 0E 00 B4 09 CD 21 B8 01 4C CD 21 54 68 00340050 : 69 73 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 20 63 61 6E 6E 6F 00340060 : 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6E 20 69 6E 20 44 4F 53 20 00340070 : 6D 6F 64 65 2E 0D 0D 0A 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00340080 : 0F D7 47 D8 4B B6 29 8B 4B B6 29 8B 4B B6 29 8B 00340090 : 4B B6 28 8B 5C B6 29 8B 29 A9 3A 8B 4E B6 29 8B 003400A0 : A4 94 18 8B 2A B6 29 8B 8C B0 2F 8B 4A B6 29 8B 003400B0 : B4 96 2D 8B 4A B6 29 8B 52 69 63 68 4B B6 29 8B 003400C0 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 45 00 00 4C 01 06 00 003400D0 : A3 DA 17 3D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 0E 21 003400E0 : 0B 01 06 00 00 82 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 Launch Info 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Novice
I'm sorry if I've missed anything out. I tried to follow the rules as close as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tigger Macbook Pro. OSX v.10.9.1 Edited by steelcitytigger |
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