BastiFantasti |
Sunday 29 December 2013 at 10:53
Hi there,
I tried to sign up for this site - and almost gave up. The captcha never showed any text in it. With leaving the captcha input blank I clicked on the register button and received a e-mail with the activation code. But when entering this code I always got an error message that the code (I think captcha code) is not valid.
After approx. 80 site refreshes I got a readable / valid captcha but than ran into the 5 minute delay for getting a new confirmation mail :-(
maybe there's a problem with the captcha module
Regards, Basti
Sunday 29 December 2013 at 17:48
Try a different browser. There is nothing wrong with it. It could have been a server glitch (these things DO happen), but we have had no reports that I no about, except for yours. We will for sure keep it in mind and look into it, but I imagine that its either your system/browser or a small server glitch.
With leaving the captcha input blank I clicked on the register button and received a e-mail with the activation code.
Right off, that will always make issues. Never leave those blank.
BastiFantasti |
Monday 30 December 2013 at 17:59
Hi and thanks for your reply. I used firefox on my ubuntu installation and tried it with my nexus tablet - same on both devices. I'll post some screenshots in a few seconds. Edit: Here the captchas:    I see nothing useful in these ... Edited by BastiFantasti
Quentin PÂRIS |
Monday 30 December 2013 at 21:57
Quentin PÂRIS
That is really weird. Have you allowed cookies?
BastiFantasti |
Tuesday 31 December 2013 at 12:10
cookies are allowed
Quentin PÂRIS |
Friday 3 January 2014 at 16:14
Quentin PÂRIS
Can you give me the steps you followed to reproduce the problem? (With a clean browser)
Ato |
Tuesday 18 February 2014 at 20:39
Just for the record: I experienced the same on Linux w. Opera. I had cookies forbidden. After allowing cookies for POL and restarting(!) the browser, things did not work. I had to wait a day(!) until a retry was successful.