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Hebrew Font is messed up

Author Replies
idowo Saturday 7 December 2013 at 12:47

Hi guys,

I just formatted my PC and clean-installed Linux Mint 16, along with the latest Software Manager repository version of POL ( I installed MS Office 2010 using this tool, and it works flawlessly, as far as writing in English is concerned.

The problem starts with my main language; I live in Israel and speak Hebrew, which is  RTL. For some reason, the font is all messed up. Here's a sentence in Hebrew written in that installation of Office 2010 using POL:

This is how it should like (say, on the Windows PC I'm currently writing this post on):

What can I do to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
petch Saturday 7 December 2013 at 13:41


Wine is supposed to have BiDi support, but I have no idea how it translates into Microsoft Office BiDi support, maybe someone knows better...

Some support still seems to be in TODO lists :

Also, according to changelogs, BiDi support has been rewritten in Wine 1.7.6, so it could be worth testing a newer version of Wine:
Configure button > (select Office2010 virtual drive) > General tab > Wine version
Click on the "+" button to open the Wine versions management window, install say version 1.7.8
Then go back to the Configuration window and select 1.7.8 in the Wine version dropdown list
And test

Edited by petch

idowo Saturday 7 December 2013 at 15:04

Actually, I've done it already and MS Office currently runs under Wine 1.7.8.

Anyways, I tried to set Wine to use usp10.dll natively, and it fixed the issue. Then I had to add Hebrew to the list of languages in Office's options, and it broke the functionality again. Would you help me please?
petch Saturday 7 December 2013 at 15:16

Then you already know more than I do about the issue, not to mention I can't test anything
moshebagelfresser Wednesday 22 June 2016 at 10:34

I recently installed Office 2010 using the 1.7.2 wine version 32 Bit on Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa 64 Bit. The userface is set to Hebrew. The Hebrew typing is now OK, however US English/UK English in the installed File Options Languages is shown as "not enabled'. No it won't let me enable either.

This is how the English is messed up:


Note although the typing direction is set to Left to Right, the text is behaving as though it was Right to Left and Left Justification, punctuation appears before text when typed after text as above.

If however, I set the Linux Mint userface to use US/UK English then Keyboard Hebrew, the Hebrew text in Word is messed up.

I've tried as suggested up10 set to native, and even changed word to use Wine 1.9.12. Neither has improved the matter. What I feel is that the virtual wine drive is not picking up correctly on the system in use whether it be Hebrew of English. I am sure that Arabic users must also have this problem as well.

Has anyone any suggestions besides use LibreOffice Linux installation for English.

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