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Lord of the Rings - War in the North

Author Replies
amherrmann Tuesday 1 October 2013 at 12:21


I recently bought the Game "Lord of the Rings - War in the North" in german as a boxed version.

On winehq are Testresults that say, that the game runs well by installing some libs and performing a patch (at least some of the contributers are demanding some libs)

Here's the winehq page:

I tried most of the combinations of wineversions and libraries in POL but currently nothing works. The game stucks in the first screen and break up with an error. I will post my latest debug-messages, when I am at home.

But in general:
Is there any suggested strategy for debugging such Programs (finding out right wine version and additional libraries, settings etc.)? Maybe sucht tipps would be helpful in a sticky thread?

For example I did not figure out yet how to deinstall former installed libraries (d3dx9 or dotnet for example). Is there a way to do so?

If I got this run, I want to write a POL-Script for that game, but before writing a script it will be nessassary to figure out a working configuration.

Thanks for any further tipps

Best wishes,


Comparing proprietary software and open-source software means comparing marketing and evolution. Which one is lasting?
Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 1 October 2013 at 20:20

Not really any strategies. It more comes from experience. Really, spend a LOT of time looking through the POL debug output, searching for actual errors ("fixme" can usually be ignored), and figuring out the missing dependancy.

A lot of the time, its something missing (like VCRUN or .NET, etc), or if its a game that downloads updates/client software, a failed download will end in errors showing that it couldnt create shortcuts (because the actual program failed to download and install, so the script goes on, attempts to create a shortcut to a .exe, but its not there, so it fails).

I firstly go through and make sure that POL is showing the correct version, and there are no issues during the first part of the script where it creates the virtual drive. It will usually show a failure to download all of the wine package or failed gecko or something, but if that happens, I delete the virtual drive and try again.

On games that need downloading, it should be fairly obvious if an 8 GB game suddenly finishes downloading after 2 hours or less. lol. (unless you are on fibre). That simply requires closing the game client and running again (most of the time. LoL is a good example, as that happens a lot).

Now, things that can cause failed downloads right off the bat are not having Linux dependancies like Curl, wget (every distro should have this already), 7zip, winbind (comes with Samba). In wine, not having IE, msxml, and a few other things could cause problems.

Ideally, wine (which is how POL runs apps) should not need these dependancies in the virtual drive (more aptly known as a wine prefix), but should just work. Now, we know that is not the case (although, its getting SOOOOO MUCH BETTER with every release), so its always good to check to see if your application is listed, and what, if any, steps you need to take (the comments at the bottom of the wine app listing say a LOT for most apps).

Again, its really just more searching, breaking, trying, reinstalling, and doing it again, if you want to get good at debugging the s*** out of using wine/POL.

You are lucky. It didnt used to be as easy. hahaha :)

Maybe sucht tipps would be helpful in a sticky thread?


Well, a sticky on general debugging will help (I have actually already started it, but havent gotten back to it because of my learning schedule and work), but rest assured, its coming soon.

Really, though, appdb on is already there, and the first place that should be checked to find out what needs to be done to get a program running, so we are not going to make a huge library of what they already have (plus, you can always search our forums for answers, if they have been a topic of discussion previously).

For example I did not figure out yet how to deinstall former installed libraries (d3dx9 or dotnet for example). Is there a way to do so?


yes, but it is not good practice to uninstall things like that, and out of the scope of support. You would need to delete the virtual drive and install it again, making whatever corrections you need as opposed to your last attempt. Uninstalling libraries like that will break that virtual drive most of the time, and cause more bad than good.

When you get the chance, post up your system specs and debug output, as per the forums rules/stickies, and we will see what we can do to get it running.

Also, Im moving this to the general forum, as this is not the place for this topic. This part of the forum is ONLY for scripts that have been created.

Post debug logs & full computer specs in first post
No private messages for general help, use the forums
Read the wiki, Report broken scripts
amherrmann Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 21:37

Hi Yosha,

thanks for your substantial comment and sharing your
experiences :-) Wine of course is a great piece of sotware and POL ist
_the_ tool fetching out its possibilities.

Maybe sucht tipps would be helpful in a sticky thread?


a sticky on general debugging will help (I have actually already
started it, but havent gotten back to it because of my learning schedule
and work), but rest assured, its coming soon.

Really, though,
appdb on is already there, and the first place that should be
checked to find out what needs to be done to get a program running, so
we are not going to make a huge library of what they already have (plus,
you can always search our forums for answers, if they have been a topic
of discussion previously).

Quote from DJYoshaBYD

I first searched the
forum, but did not get an accessable result. I tried to use the
suggested wine versions and libraries from winehq (Game has silver
status) but near getting the same result.

example I did not figure out yet how to deinstall former installed
libraries (d3dx9 or dotnet for example). Is there a way to do so?


but it is not good practice to uninstall things like that, and out of
the scope of support. You would need to delete the virtual drive and
install it again, making whatever corrections you need as opposed to
your last attempt. Uninstalling libraries like that will break that
virtual drive most of the time, and cause more bad than good.

you get the chance, post up your system specs and debug output, as per
the forums rules/stickies, and we will see what we can do to get it

Quote from DJYoshaBYD

I will surely do so asap. My problem with
this game is that even if I install from the game disc, The game still
will update gigabytes while installation via steam. With my poor
connection I need half a day per installation :-( Multiplying this with
the amount of settings and combinations I will have the working
combination in ... lets say 2015 :-D

Thats, why it would be
really helpfull to step back quickly to a former state of the prefix.
Maybe I could use the vault extension for tagging states, at least the
blank wine install of the game...

Even if this is not a good practice, couldn't uninstalling libraries possibly lead in the right direction while debugging (e.g. for excluding sth.)? However I guess it could be done via winecfg, right?

Im moving this to the general forum, as this is not the place for this
topic. This part of the forum is ONLY for scripts that have been

Quote from DJYoshaBYD

Yep I noticed too late that this is more a pre-discussion of a script than a conrete one.

Best wishes,


Edited by amherrmann

Comparing proprietary software and open-source software means comparing marketing and evolution. Which one is lasting?
amherrmann Saturday 5 October 2013 at 2:35

Short Update:

Tried to install the game via Disk/Steam into a wineprefix. First try failed, so I decided to add the component "steam" for wineprefix. After that I was able to finish installation. But the Game won't run unfortunately. I will try to vault this state:

Here's what POL debug says, when I start the game via Steam-Interface:

Please configure the application to use double buffering (1 back buffer) if possible.
fixme:win:RegisterRawInputDevices Unhandled flags 0x100 for device 0.
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x522e518,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d:swapchain_init The application requested more than one back buffer, this is not properly supported.
Please configure the application to use double buffering (1 back buffer) if possible.
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f468,0x00000000), stub!
err:d3d:wined3d_caps_gl_ctx_destroy Failed to restore previous GL context.
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x8015e 0x00000000
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x220): stub
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x22c): stub
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f0058c0, 0x3f03bb50, 0x3f03bb48
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f0058c0, 0x3f03bb88, 0x3f03bb80
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f0058c0, 0x3f03bb18, 0x3f03bb10
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f0058c0, 0x3f03bbc0, 0x3f03bbb8
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f0058c0, 0x3f03bbf8, 0x3f03bbf0
fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (000003ff, 00000000): partial stub.
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 32800
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198074445231 [API loaded no]
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x552d60c, overlapped 0x5342bd0): stub
fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x552d70c 0x00000ff0 0x552d754) Stub!
[1005/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:iphlpapi:CancelIPChangeNotify (overlapped 0x5342bd0): stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub

Comparing proprietary software and open-source software means comparing marketing and evolution. Which one is lasting?

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