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wine or Playlinux crashes

Need to help to get Office 2010 32 bit on Ubuntu 13.04 running.

Author Replies
playAlaskan Monday 30 September 2013 at 1:06

I am trying to get office 2010 Professional Student to run on Playlinux on my Ubuntu 13.04

My ubuntu is 13.04 64 bit
I got of Office 2010 32 bit. Actually I downloaded tthe program as an .exe and converted to an .iso. I do not think there was a probelm with the conversion, but maybe there was and I am not aware.

It seems that wine crashes after a while during the instaltion of Office 2010.

The info is  I have:
I see the message on Playlinux; "Please wait while .Net is instaled"

But it crashes and I get "Error in POL_Wine Wine seems to have crashed"

Not sure what to do next.

playAlaskan Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 5:35

I apreciate if someone could help me on this one.
Daerandin Wednesday 2 October 2013 at 13:09

Regarding installation of MS office 2010, there is quite a bit of info in the WineHQ which a very easy and quick google search will yield.

However, as I said in another topic regarding ms office 2010, I would suggest looking into all the alternatives available that have linux clients. All the information in the WineHQ points to a few issues with ms office 2010 through wine.

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