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Installing Firefall in POL

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steve723 Monday 15 July 2013 at 13:32

Anyone wanna try to make a script although the game is in beta. It defaults to installing via wine. Not sure if I can use POL.
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 17:35

You can totally do it. Its really not hard.

I learned how to do it over the course of a couple of days, and now its really easy to throw some basic scripts together.

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steve723 Monday 15 July 2013 at 20:59

Maybe I will try to learn scripting later. It is in beta so it might not be the best game to learn with. Of course I might get lucky and get it to work. One of the days maybe gaming on Linux will be good enough that game company will program in open GL more than Direct x, then maybe I can start shrinking my Windows partition. You might find this interesting reading: . Of course that's just one company's ideas about it.
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 21:08

Gaming in Linux is actually great. Its just that most people do not write big commercial games for Linux.

Almost ALL games use DirectX AND OpenGL. Though, OpenGL, regardless of what others have said, has always been more full featured than directx. MS did a smear campaign against it when directx came out. DirectX is really not that good, and they do not let all of the features out until new OS's come out, and thats simply marketing.

Ive actually read it. I dont disagree. Again, the ONLY reason DirectX is the main choice is just money and politics. Thats it.

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steve723 Tuesday 16 July 2013 at 1:34

I am going to school now. (POL script documentation) :)
Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 16 July 2013 at 1:39

Excellent. Trust me, Its really good reading, and once you read through all of that and get a grip on it, its a lot easier than it seems. Just gotta get used to writing scripts and knowing what they need, and you will damn near be able to type one by hand in a short while.

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steve723 Wednesday 17 July 2013 at 18:12

Made it to the start of chapter 4. :)

Is POL all Python or just some parts of it?
Is there a way to have POL always goto the same directory to get user created scripts so we don't have to do the same navigation umpteen dozen times while were working on scripts? I created a seperate directory to store all my own created scripts in.

Edited by steve723

petch Wednesday 17 July 2013 at 19:23

PlayOnLinux is written in Python and Bash (less Bash and more Python with each version ;) )

Again if you're developing, playonlinux-bash should help you automate testing.
steve723 Wednesday 17 July 2013 at 21:35

I made a template in Kate that has the basic requiered code used for any script. I used the PlayOnLinux icon so I figured I should ask if you want me to post that so others could use it?

Edited by steve723

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