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"opensource" ATI drivers

LoL crash with Legacy Drivers

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lazeriux Saturday 27 April 2013 at 23:58


I want to ask you 1 question. Where I could get those "opensource" video drivers for my HD 4650 graphics card? I want to play league of legends... (before 1 year it worked)
Ronin DUSETTE Sunday 28 April 2013 at 19:24

They are already installed. Your system will use the Open-Source drivers by default, but I dont think that will help, as the open-source drivers arent as robust as the proprietary drivers.

Why are you just running the newest Catalyst drivers from ATI/AMD?

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lazeriux Monday 29 April 2013 at 14:43

I'm using legacy drivers.

But those opensource drivers ant good as for ex. legacy. Even native games work for me on ~20fps instead 100fps

After loading screen my league of legeds starts for 2 sec with 3 fps then freezes :| I was looking for information in this forum and I saw that it works on opensource drivers. Maybe there is another way to fix it?

Edited by lazeriux

Ronin DUSETTE Monday 29 April 2013 at 17:28

Is that card that old? If you have to use legacy drivers for it, then maybe you need to upgrade your card so that you can use the newest ATI Catalyst drivers. How old is your card? I dont know much about the ATI model numbers.

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lazeriux Monday 29 April 2013 at 21:56

xOrg is not friendly with newest drivers :|
p.s. I'm using linuxmint 14
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 29 April 2013 at 22:17

Not the beta drivers, the stable ones. And they do play fine with xorg. people use them all of the time. They are just no up to par with other cards mans.. haha

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lazeriux Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 15:12

I wasn't able to install drivers from cuz of xserver version
lazeriux Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 16:10


Display Drivers for Xorg 6.9 to Xserver 1.12 and Kernel version up to 3.4

mine xserver and kernel is newer that's why I should use "legacy" drivers :|
Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 18:41

I dont know what to tell you then. haha. I mean, if you are running bleeding edge stuff, then you may just need to wait for the AMD drivers to catch up or downgrade a tad. AMD's driver support leaves a lot to be desired.

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lazeriux Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 18:54

they won't update the drivers.

with opensource drivers game league of legends works but not at full fps that can be running.

Even native games works x2.5 slower

native game:

why league of legends doesn't work with Tomasz Makarewicz legacy drivers?

More info about legacy:
Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 30 April 2013 at 19:30

Of course, because the open-source drivers are not the proprietary ones.

Im confused? What exactly is your issue?

If you are looking for your cards open-source drivers, but they run that bad on them, and you are already running legacy drivers, then Im not seeing what your question is.

I dont know why they dont work. I could assume because they are "legacy" drivers. You are basically forcing the use of legacy, not new, drivers, because your kernel and x server are too new, which brings all of the problems that those drivers had, which is why they are legacy drivers now. haha. Again, I dont know what to tell you. It could be a lot of things. Your card, x-server, and kernel combination, drivers, bad install of LoL, too much eye-candy turned on your desktop.

This is why I dont run any version of Ubuntu besides LTS versions (like 12.04.2). They do too many experiments in all of these other versions (I really consider them beta version), and you run into issues like that. :/

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lazeriux Sunday 5 May 2013 at 18:29

ohh I didn't notice that I hate unity and I'm using linuxmint14 MATE. I'm planning to change distro to gentoo (dunno why)
Ronin DUSETTE Sunday 5 May 2013 at 18:37

Why are you going to switch to Gentoo? I dont get why all new linux users want to constantly change Linux OS, but for no reason. hahahaha. Its just funny. There is nothing wrong with other distros, but if you dont settle on one, you wont learn it well enough. Just a thought. :)

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