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[Script] EVE online


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l0ser140 Friday 22 March 2013 at 11:03

@DJYoshaBYD: I can see it, sending direction in PM

[code language=playonlinux]
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'If shortcut is not created automatically, do it yourself.')" "$TITLE"
That's a weird thing to say in an automated installer ;)

Quote from petch
Game equires about 18gb free space. Not all have as much space in /home/ folder where wineprefixes stored. For example my /home/ partition holds only 8gb.
So if someone will install game not to drive_c of wineprefix, shortcut will not create
automatically, isnt it?

Edited by l0ser140

petch Friday 22 March 2013 at 11:59

Installing outside of drive_c is not supported, so you can drop this case
l0ser140 Friday 22 March 2013 at 12:12

But its not written anywhere during the installation or the using playonlinux or running installation script, manual say nothing about it too.
So we need to say what installation to not default folder is not supporting (but all will be okay, exept shortcut autocreation), or say to do shortcut byself if something goes wrong.

If user have no space to install into default folder, he will choose any other non-stanrard place. And he will frustrated if he get error with no explanation.

Edited by l0ser140

petch Friday 22 March 2013 at 13:00

Since PlayOnLinux 4.1.2, upon first installation PoL displays:
"When PlayOnLinux/PlayOnMac install a Windows program:

- Leave the default location
- Do not tick the checkbox 'Run the program' if asked."

It could probably be more explicit (displayed each time a program is installed? :p), but that's how it is currently documented.
l0ser140 Friday 22 March 2013 at 13:06

It could probably be more explicit (displayed each time a program is installed? :p), but that's how it is currently documented.

Quote from petch
I am still of the opinion that such a severe restriction is not justified.
In most cases apps works fine if they installed outside the wineprefix.
Installing into wineprefix folder may not be possible in some cases, such as I have described above.

Or should be allowed to create a prefix outside standard /home/$user/.playonlinux, like external library in steam.

Edited by l0ser140

petch Friday 22 March 2013 at 13:31

I totally disagree, if you buy containers so you can more easily manage all the little things that litter the floor of your rooms, the next thing you have to do is to put those things in the different containers.

It may "work" to install programs partly outside of virtual drives, but it means PlayOnLinux does no longer have full control over what you install, cannot cleanly remove programs, that you become totally free to mix the content of different virtual environment, eventually leading to side effects, etc.

Personally I have ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/ mounted on a different filesystem, there's several ways to manage storage on Unix, learn to use them, they'll work with all programs so it's not wasted time.
l0ser140 Friday 22 March 2013 at 13:48

I totally disagree, if you buy containers so you can more easily manage all the little things that litter the floor of your rooms, the next thing you have to do is to put those things in the different containers.

Quote from petch
I understand playonlinux concept, but its sometimes inconvenient. Example: using app in separate prefixes but not install it twice.
This is not always correct, but if the user wants, why not give him a opportunity?

Personally I have ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/ mounted on a different
filesystem, there's several ways to manage storage on Unix, learn to use
them, they'll work with all programs so it's not wasted time.

Quote from petch
Imho using symlinks/mounting from other partition where you can do without them - a bad idea. Finally, you want the user to transfer folders and make symlinks manually?
If he can do it - he can use clear wine with winetricks without user-frienly

What are your thoughts on the possibility of creating and tracking prefixes in any place where user wants?

Edited by l0ser140

petch Friday 22 March 2013 at 14:31

This has been discussed many times and implemented eventually
l0ser140 Friday 22 March 2013 at 15:08

This has been discussed many times and implemented eventually

Quote from petch
But let's leave message about manually adding shortcut, until this feature realized or user will be more clearly warned about the undesirability of installation app outside prefix. Now probability that the user do it is very high.
Ronin DUSETTE Friday 22 March 2013 at 17:29

@petch - Yeah. I found it. This time I had to click Games after Waiting installers. Usually I dont have to watch the category.

@l0ser140 - I signed it, and its up. Although, I agree, that is a bit of an odd thing to say. What stops it from creating the shortcut?

l0ser140: Sorry, didnt see that last post.

Edited by RoninDusette

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petch Friday 22 March 2013 at 18:13

I'm sorry but I do not agree, a script should not act against, or even just contradicts with the principles of PlayOnLinux; specially since, while running, from all views its behavior will "become" the one of PlayOnLinux, in all inconsistency.
We do not support this behavior in PlayOnLinux, so it must not be supported in scripts, and that's not something for you to decide.
l0ser140 Saturday 23 March 2013 at 11:00

So if you do not like it, let's remove this message.
What about adding images/icons?

And this part of code broke layout on source code page.
[code]version=`wget -q -O - | sed -n 's;.*<a class="win" href="http://content\\.eveonline\\.com/\\([0-9]*\\)/.*;\\1;p'`[/code]

Edited by l0ser140

petch Saturday 23 March 2013 at 15:03

Thanks for your comprehension, I meant no offence, just have to preserve the policies.
But you're right that some we have to think sooner or later about user problems like storage management.

I saw the layout breakage too, but I'm not sure what's the reason, are you positive it's that line? Mmmmh yes, could be the HTML tag breaking the parser :/

Edited by petch

l0ser140 Saturday 23 March 2013 at 15:11

I think we can remove "<" from regexp with no consequences.
[code].*a class="win"

But the best course would be to fix parser. =)

Edited by l0ser140

petch Saturday 23 March 2013 at 15:20

Ok, ended the regexp with .*">.*.* instead of .* so that HTML tag is balanced and the pretty printer not upset, hopefully not breaking the script either (by the look of the line it's supposed to match).
Edit: your solution is actually simpler. Whatever works, I leave it to you.

Edited by petch

l0ser140 Saturday 23 March 2013 at 15:22

Ok, ended the regexp with .*">.*.* instead of .* so that HTML tag is balanced and the pretty printer not upset, hopefully not breaking the script either (by the look of the line it's supposed to match).

Quote from petch
Yup, its works too
.*<a class="win" href="http://content\\.eveonline\\.com/\\([0-9]*\\)/.*">.*</a>.*

Edited by l0ser140

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