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Playonlinux and Steam start, but Steam games won't

(I had similar issues with Wine alone.)

Author Replies
poeticoddity Saturday 16 March 2013 at 22:36


(This is my first post, so if I did something wrong, please let me know so I don't make the same mistake again.)

I recently built a new computer (with Lubuntu 12.10) and decided to make a Steam account because I'd like (eventually) to play Skyrim.  Before I send Steam my money, I want to make sure I can get at least one of the free Steam games up and running on my system through Wine (and I've decided to do it through Playonlinux, because I had even more trouble with just Wine).

Playonlinux is installed fine (as best as I can tell), as is Steam (again, as best as I can tell).  Steam connects to my user account, and I fixed the no-text issue a lot of people have been having.  Once Steam loads up, I can see all of the Store stuff and my Library just fine.  I installed Dwarfs F2P (literally just because it was the smallest free game I could find, so I figured it'd have the best chance of running properly) and can see it in my library, but by the time I'm to my library, I can already see errors in debugger.  When I click "Play", the update news window pops up, but the game never starts.  I've attached the output from the debugger below that covers everything from starting Steam through trying to start the game through exiting Steam.  Any suggestions anyone has would be quite helpful.

Thank you.

[03/16/13 17:31:06] - Running wine-1.5.10 steam.exe
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036b40, 0x3f036b38
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036b78, 0x3f036b70
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036b08, 0x3f036b00
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036bb0, 0x3f036ba8
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036be8, 0x3f036be0
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036b40, 0x3f036b38
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036b78, 0x3f036b70
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036b08, 0x3f036b00
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036bb0, 0x3f036ba8
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f0054c0, 0x3f036be8, 0x3f036be0
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryfixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x599d6bc, overlapped 0x57a9f50): stub
fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x599d7bc 0x00000ff0 0x599d804) Stub!
[0316/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer unsupported flags
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 0x7c79a660, 0x142058, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, (nil), 0x00000000
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 0x7c79a660
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
err:ole:create_server class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} could be created for context 0x17
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x100ae, filter=0x32e40c,flags=0x00000004) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x10108, filter=0xc58e9ac,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32df44,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:appbar:SHAppBarMessage unknown msg: 4
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=3): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=1): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=0): stub
fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=2): stub
fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x75fe1fc 0x00000ff0 0x75fe244) Stub!
[0316/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

fixme:actctx:parse_assembly_elem wrong namespace L"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"
fixme:actctx:parse_manifest_buffer failed to parse Shutting down. . .

[2013-03-16 17:31:07] Verifying installation... 

[2013-03-16 17:31:49] Background update loop checking for update. . . 

[2013-03-16 17:31:49] Checking for available updates... 

[2013-03-16 17:32:01] Download complete. 

manifest L"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\SteamApps\\\\common\\\\Dwarfs - F2P\\\\Dwarfs.exe.manifest"
err:module:import_dll Library mscoree.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\SteamApps\\\\common\\\\Dwarfs - F2P\\\\Dwarfs.exe") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\SteamApps\\\\common\\\\Dwarfs - F2P\\\\Dwarfs.exe" failed, status c0000135
fixme:win:UnregisterDeviceNotification (handle=0xcafeaffe), STUB!
fixme:win:UnregisterDeviceNotification (handle=0xcafecafe), STUB!
fixme:iphlpapi:CancelIPChangeNotify (overlapped 0x57a9f50): stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
Assert( Assertion Failed: (::DeleteObject( hOldBitmap )) ):surface_gdiwin32.cpp:1839

Edit: I have no idea how to turn off smileys.  Sorry about that.

Edited by poeticoddity

Lubuntu 12.10
AMD A8-3850
2x4GB DDR3 1866
MSI A55M-P33
petch Sunday 17 March 2013 at 2:41


err:module:import_dll Library mscoree.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Steam\\\\SteamApps\\\\common\\\\Dwarfs - F2P\\\\Dwarfs.exe") not found
It seems the game is missing some version of .NET, you can try installing some dotnet* component, or maybe even some mono* component...

booman Friday 22 March 2013 at 0:25

I recommend installing dotnet20 or dotnet30
Also, make sure to install the d3dx9 packages for Direct X

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Friday 22 March 2013 at 5:46

Also, make sure to install the d3dx9 packages for Direct X


The .NET requirement is obvious for sure, but dont install d3dx9 right off the bat unless you are sure that it needs it. It is needed for a lot of things, but its best to not clutter the virtual drive with overrides and dependencies it may not need. :)

+1 on mono. Sometimes I have better success with Mono in POL than I do with .NET.

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booman Friday 22 March 2013 at 16:34

If the PC Game doesn't automatically install DirectX for you, then its a good idea.
Strange how some games do install DirectX and some don't

I'm going to try mono more often from now on... originally I would only try .NET and had a lot of success, but the less Windows Package in Linux the better.... right?

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Friday 22 March 2013 at 17:25

Kind of. Its a tossup for me. I can never tell which one will work best, so I try mono first (it has a lot more .NET compat than one would think), and if that is wonky, then I go through some .NET testing.

Thats true about DX. Whats even stranger, is that a lot of games dont even specify that they are installing DX, even though its being done silently. lol. jerks. just show me whats being installed. haha

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