
Rank : Member
Staff description
My name is Apocalypse_555, I'm born in 1989 and I will begin studying computer science at EPITECH in Paris (if I have my BAC Ssi ^^). I'm gone on Linux since June 2007 (approximately) and I intend to remain there throughout the rest of my life because my 10 Windows's years that allowed me only to play and not to exploit the full potential of a computer .. . I started on a Mandriva then I moved to a Kubuntu !
My player habits drive me to seek ways to play on my new OS, and that is how that I have found the PlayOnLinux's project that I completely support (obviously) ... I have contributed over 1 year on the forum to help those that I could ^^ but more I remained under Linux more the desire to help others me "eating" (that it is contagious: p) ! So it is only now that I posted my candidacy to become Moderator and so "officially" to help poliens .
My studies will me heading to the programming and so I know (personal knowledge) a little of C/C++ and hence the bash because recently I met also to make scripts for POL ...
I am sympathetic nature and practical joker but I have a few flaws as:
_ Forgiveness (yes I forgive easily ^^)
_ Patience (suddenly I'm quickly burned and to calm me you need to a bucket of cold water XD)
_ Etc ...
Finally ... (my life it will be crazy huh ? .... )
My role in the team is to moderate (...no ? without laugh ? Are-you found it on your own ? ) and thus more accurately to monitor the understanding, spelling, sensitives topics ... on the forum ...
[u]PS :[/ u] Special thanks especially to the POL team to have accepting my candidacy ;)
[u]PS 2 :[/ u] Thanks to Google for the help to the traduction
Last topics
FarCry 2 en 64 bits ne se lance pas :/
Richard Stallman à l\'EPITECH (Paris) !
Mes Jeux lag et ne sont pas fluides .
probleme install prince of persia
Etudes, études et encore études ...
problème d\'Accélérations 3D sous debian
Entrevue avec Wine-Doors, pas glorieux
Jouer avec des installation déjà présentes