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Wine 1.1.18 (development version)
Saturday 28 March 2009 at 18:23

- RPC over HTTP support.
- Improved support for upgrades in MSI.
- Debug symbols in WineDbg on Mac OS X.
- Many Direct3D code cleanups.
- Various bug fixes.
A detailed list of all the changes is available on the official announcement page
To download the source code or binary packages for various systems and distributions use the following link:

Scripts are working again
Friday 20 March 2009 at 22:26
Dear users,
It seems that the scripts had stopped working since the site's migration.
This problem has been fixed and everything should be back to normal now.
We apologize for the temporary discomfort it may have caused you.
PlayOnLinux's staff
It seems that the scripts had stopped working since the site's migration.
This problem has been fixed and everything should be back to normal now.
We apologize for the temporary discomfort it may have caused you.
PlayOnLinux's staff
Welcome on the new PlayOnLinux website
Thursday 19 March 2009 at 21:43
Hello, everyone
I have the great pleasure to announce to you that the server transfer went well
If you can read this news, it means that you're on the new version of the site.
Don't hesitate to post you suggestions in the forum if you have any
by Tinou
I have the great pleasure to announce to you that the server transfer went well
If you can read this news, it means that you're on the new version of the site.
Don't hesitate to post you suggestions in the forum if you have any
by Tinou
New server, new website
Monday 16 March 2009 at 20:50
Edit by Tinou : all the main configurations of the new server are now in place. All that's left is wait for a few optimizations and the server change will then take place
Dear users,
Today I announce to you the transfer of PlayOnLinux on a new server. We have taken this opportunity to give the website a little makeover.
What's new? I hear you ask. Well, among the many wonderful new features, you will find :
- A brand new front page, all made up and pretty
- A complete, rewritten documentation
- The forum has undergone some changes as well, with a search feature! yes, you read right!
At the moment of the server change, there may be a period of time when the website will not be available. Also, the domain name change may take some time for some of you.
Here is what the new front page will look like :

And here is what the scripts will look like:

The whole team hopes you will enjoy this new site.
Wine 1.1.17 (development version)
Friday 13 March 2009 at 22:14

- Joystick support on Mac OS X.
- Implementation of iphlpapi on Solaris.
- A number of 64-bit improvements.
- Obsolete LinuxThreads support has been removed.
- Many fixes to the regression tests on Windows.
- Various bug fixes.
A detailed list of all the changes is available on the official announcement page
To download the source code or binary packages for various systems and distributions use the following link:

PlayOnLinux 3.4
Friday 6 March 2009 at 18:43
Hello everyone,
Here is PlayOnLinux version 3.4
what's new?
- The manual installation will suggest you to open winecfg before each installation; allowing you to configure your profile as you want.
- The repository is automatically updated when it is changed. Therefore the button "update repository" will no longer appear on the tool bar.
- The "Automatic Execution" button has been moved to the Tool menu.
- POL_SetupWindow_prefixcreate was causing problems and so has been rewritten. The former version allowed to fix some issues in the Program Files so it has been kept under the name : POL_SetupWindow_oldprefixcreate will allows to create functional prefixes on older versions of Wine.
- The changelog will not be displayed when an application is launched
PS: A new version of the website will be coming soon
by Tinou
Here is PlayOnLinux version 3.4
what's new?
- The manual installation will suggest you to open winecfg before each installation; allowing you to configure your profile as you want.
- The repository is automatically updated when it is changed. Therefore the button "update repository" will no longer appear on the tool bar.
- The "Automatic Execution" button has been moved to the Tool menu.
- POL_SetupWindow_prefixcreate was causing problems and so has been rewritten. The former version allowed to fix some issues in the Program Files so it has been kept under the name : POL_SetupWindow_oldprefixcreate will allows to create functional prefixes on older versions of Wine.
- The changelog will not be displayed when an application is launched
PS: A new version of the website will be coming soon
by Tinou
Wine 1.1.16 (development version)
Monday 2 March 2009 at 10:58

What changes does Wine 1.1.16 (what's Wine?), the latest development version , bring about :
- Improved SANE scanner support.
- Support for digital CD audio playback.
- Improved cookies management in Wininet.
- Support for building stand-alone 16-bit modules.
- Many fixes to the regression tests on Windows.
- Various bug fixes.
A detailed list of all the changes is available on the official announcement page
To download the source code or binary packages for various systems and distributions use the following link :

by BlondVador
Wine 1.1.15 (development version)
Friday 13 February 2009 at 21:04

- Gecko engine update.
- Better region support in GdiPlus.
- Support for cross-compilation in winegcc.
- Beginnings of MS Text Framework support.
- Many fixes to the regression tests on Windows.
- Various bug fixes.
A detailed list of all the changes is available on the official announcement page
To download the source code or binary packages for various systems and distributions use the following link :

by "the (in)famous all around the world" MulX
Previewing PlayOnMac!
Wednesday 11 February 2009 at 19:49
Hello everyone,
Here is a news that will make Mac users happy. Today, PlayOnLinux releases the first beta of PlayOnMac, a version of PlayOnLinux specifically designed for Mac OS.
This version works perfectly on Leopard.
It should also work on Tiger, as long as you've installed python, wxpython and X11.
You must have a recent mac with an Intel CPU.
Darwine 1.1.5 (Wine compiled for Mac OS X) is included in the package.
At the moment, we have two scripts (to do tests):
- Notepad++
- Crayon Physics.
Obviously, this list should grow in the future.
The repositories are the same as PlayOnLinux's ones. You just have to tick the box saying "this script is PlayOnMac compatible" to integrate a script to PlayOnMac when submitting it.
Here are some screenshots:

Download PlayOnMac at the following url:
A dedicated forum will be created, feel free to post messages in there to report bugs, tell us your suggestions or ask various questions.
Have a good day
By Tinou
Here is a news that will make Mac users happy. Today, PlayOnLinux releases the first beta of PlayOnMac, a version of PlayOnLinux specifically designed for Mac OS.
This version works perfectly on Leopard.
It should also work on Tiger, as long as you've installed python, wxpython and X11.
You must have a recent mac with an Intel CPU.
Darwine 1.1.5 (Wine compiled for Mac OS X) is included in the package.
At the moment, we have two scripts (to do tests):
- Notepad++
- Crayon Physics.
Obviously, this list should grow in the future.
The repositories are the same as PlayOnLinux's ones. You just have to tick the box saying "this script is PlayOnMac compatible" to integrate a script to PlayOnMac when submitting it.
Here are some screenshots:

Download PlayOnMac at the following url:
A dedicated forum will be created, feel free to post messages in there to report bugs, tell us your suggestions or ask various questions.
Have a good day
By Tinou
Beta test of the Prefix Backup plugin
Tuesday 10 February 2009 at 15:38
Here comes a plugin that some of you have been awaiting for a while!
It's a plugin which allows you to backup the whole prefix of an application installed in PlayOnLinux, the version of Wine used with it (it's defined in "PlayOnLinux -> Tools -> Manage Wine versions"), and the launcher of that application.
It creates a .pol archive that you can reinstall when and where you want via "Install -> Install a .pol package or an unsupported application" in PlayOnLinux.
This plugin should work fine but I will need some feedback. Although it is a beta version it shouldn't cause PlayOnLinux to crash, the worst case scenario being a shortage of hard drive space.
Please go to this post to download Prefix Backup and to report the results of your tests.
Have a good test and a good backup.
It's a plugin which allows you to backup the whole prefix of an application installed in PlayOnLinux, the version of Wine used with it (it's defined in "PlayOnLinux -> Tools -> Manage Wine versions"), and the launcher of that application.
It creates a .pol archive that you can reinstall when and where you want via "Install -> Install a .pol package or an unsupported application" in PlayOnLinux.
This plugin should work fine but I will need some feedback. Although it is a beta version it shouldn't cause PlayOnLinux to crash, the worst case scenario being a shortage of hard drive space.
Please go to this post to download Prefix Backup and to report the results of your tests.
Have a good test and a good backup.