Alien Breed 2 : Assault


Creator Message


This installer has been approved by the team.


Downloads: 22091
Wine: 2.22



Français :
Alien Breed 2 : Assault est un jeu d'action et de tir se déroulant dans un univers de science-fiction. Le joueur contrôle Conrad, ingénieur lancé dans un combat contre les aliens, à bord du vaisseau Leopold.

English :
Alien Breed 2 : Assault finds the player taking control of Conrad, Chief Engineer aboard the dying ship Leopold and continuing his fight for survival across the fatally damaged space vessel. His only hope relies on reigniting the alien space craft's monstrous engines to rescue him from impending annihilation, but to do this he will have to survive wave after wave of relentless alien assaults.



Source code



Member Message
Dadu042 Tuesday 21 January 2020 at 21:43


This update has been approved by the team.


New source code


Alari24 Saturday 18 April 2015 at 17:20
Alari24 Anonymous


Got the program working correctly. It would be nice to have Steam itself on the listed programs so when a person only wants Steam then he should have to find a game first and then through that get the program. There is more to Steam than just games. But back on topic Alien Breed 2 does work :)


Saturday 18 April 2015 at 17:29
Just create a virtual drive with the version of Wine you want to use (check the wiki), and then use the Steam installer from the Install Components tab in the Configuration Window. :) Super simple. I do it all of the time. We understand that there is more to Steam than games. Really, anything that is on Steam that is not an actual video game is accessible through Linux's Steam, too.

The problem lies when a game needs something else BESIDES Steam. If the user does not install the correct components the game might not work, hence the scripts. What are you talking about is a Manual Install, which is accomplished how I said above. Unfortunately, that does not guarantee that ANY game that you download from Steam will work, as it may need a patched version of Wine, a specific Wine version, DLL overrides, or any other number of things. Keep this in mind when doing manual installs of games. If you run into issues with a game, you can check and see if it is listed, and if it is, if there is any voodoo that needs to be done. If you see something that needs to be installed via winetricks, look for that in the Install Components tab; we have pretty much everything winetricks has.

Hope this helps. :)

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