The Sims 3 Ambitions


Creator Message


This installer has been approved by the team.


Downloads: 30925
Wine: System



Type : Live simulation
Lan : -
Online : -
Company : Maxis
Compatibility : 5/5

Warning :

  • game won't run with original TS3EP02.exe (and TSLHost.dll if it's patched)
  • shop mode doesn't work
  • to start game run The Sims 3 Ambitions instead of The Sims 3 Launcher

Source code



Member Message
Dadu042 Thursday 16 January 2020 at 20:21


This update has been approved by the team.


New source code


T4b Friday 10 April 2015 at 19:29
T4b Anonymous


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


This game is set to use version 1.3.4. Maybe that version works with just this add on and the basegame installed, but it doesn't work with at least one of the other add ons I installed. I set it to 1.4.1 in my TS3 drive configuration and this works fine. So should probably use 1.4.1 by default.

Oh and I didn't test this modified installer in any way, I just saw that I could modify the version there and thought I'd do that too instead of just notifying you that it should use the newer version. But I assume it works like that.


New source code


Friday 10 April 2015 at 19:43
Can you test it, please? Never assume in programming. :) It needs to be tested before you post it up:
Saturday 11 April 2015 at 10:07
I hoped someone else who would install The Sims anyway would maybe test it... those installations take quite some time and I first need a blank TS3 basegame to test it. But maybe I'll do it later. Promising nothing. It's a one line difference with no syntactical change, I wouldn''t even call that programming, that configuration. And it's tested in the sense that I tested that it does work with the version I specified in the script.
Saturday 11 April 2015 at 18:58
The script needs to be tested before it is officially updated in the repo. Your change is not just a syntax change. It completely changes the version of Wine used, and since you did not test the script, you cannot be certain that it works. We don't accept un-tested updates to scripts like this. If you are not willing or do not have the software to test the update, then it might be better if you posted in the forums with the update suggestion, instead of hoping that it works once people use it if it is accepted in the repo. :)

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