@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Date : (2014-01-20)
+# Last revision : (2014-04-05)
+# Wine version used : 1.6.2
+# Distribution used to test : Mac OS X 10.9.2
+# Author : Marking
+# [Marking] (2014-01-20).
+# Initial script.
+# [Dadu042] (2020-09-25 10-00).
+# Wine 1.6.2 (outdated) -> 3.0.3 (laters might not support the components required)
+[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
+source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
+# Setup some needed variables
+TITLE="Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 12 - Atelier no Koibito-tachi"
+EDITOR="Yurin Yurin"
+SHORTCUT_NAME="????????????? 12 ???????????"
+# Download images for installation script
+# Initialize the script and debugging
+# Setup presentation window
+POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
+# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
+POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
+POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"
+# Ask user for either DVD or Local installation
+POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,DVD"
+ # Ask user to find "Setup.exe"
+ cd "$HOME"
+ POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please locate installation program (Setup.exe)')" "$TITLE"
+ POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Close the visual novel when it appears to continue installation. Click Next to begin installation.')" "Installation instructions"
+ POL_Wine_WaitBefore "$TITLE"
+ LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8" POL_Wine "$APP_ANSWER" /sp- /verysilent
+elif [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" = "DVD" ]
+ # Launches the installation program from CD/DVD
+ POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
+ POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "Setup.exe"
+ POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Close the visual novel when it appears to continue installation. Click Next to begin installation.')" "Installation instructions"
+ POL_Wine_WaitBefore "$TITLE"
+ LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8" POL_Wine "$CDROM/Setup.exe" /sp- /verysilent
+# Create a shortcut for easy access
+# Insert a command to run as a Japanese application
+POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8"
\ No newline at end of file