

Creator Message


This installer has been approved by the team.


Downloads: 2803
Wine: System



Creating, editing, printing and listening to tablature and sheet music (standard notation) for guitar and other fretted, stringed instruments. Website. 



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Member Message
bob234 Monday 1 August 2022 at 21:59
bob234 Anonymous


Hello, I tried to install this on my system (Manjaro linux, kernel: 5.10.133-1-MANJARO) and it crashes on launch with the following error:

[08/01/22 21:35:54] - Running wine- tableditdemo.exe (Working directory : /home/bob/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/tabledit/drive_c/Program Files/TablEdit)
0024:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0024:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (00010098, 1): stub
0024:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (00010092, 00010098): stub
00c8:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (00010026, 0): stub
00c8:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (00010020, 00010026): stub
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 00000000 at address 68708373 (thread 0024), starting debugger...
010c:fixme:imm:ImeSetActiveContext (0001010E, 1): stub
010c:fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (00010118, 0001010E): stub


Any idea what could be the cause?


Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 9:41
Hi Bob234,
I do not have a swift solution for you, but... will investigate on my side, which will take quite some time.
In the meantime I can provide some guidance what you may want to check on your system.
Each POL install script will depend on the underlying fundamentals:
1. POL - PlayOnLinux with the Install script
2. Windows installer (.msi or .exe) - here "tableditdemo.exe".
3. Wine
4. the Linux distro - here MANJARO
To drill deeper and find out which component is the root cause for a crash is quite complex.
And, in order to analyze a crash you need to address all 4 elements one after each other and then in combination.
In your case, the POL script has downloaded the Windows installer successfully and then fails; i.e. Wine crashes during it's execution.
So, the root-cause may be caused by the versions of wine and/or your distro.
If you are interested and the issue persists I'll share some steps to analyze.
Sunday 9 October 2022 at 19:47
Hi Bob234,
in order to circle in on your issue(s), I have installed Manjaro (Manjaro Linux; Build-ID: rolling; Gnome-Version: 42.4) in a virtual box.
Then, looking at my list above, there may be a problem with (1), as POL is not officially supported under Manjaro and only available as AUR (Arc Linux User Repository). Therefore I entered these commands in a terminal:
sudo pamac build playonlinux
sudo pacman -S timidity
Then I did run playonlinux 4 and TablEdit was successfully installed.

Please tell me more about what issue you have encountered.
VolkerFroehlich Thursday 4 March 2021 at 20:27


This update has been approved by the team.


Dear Musicians,

This new POL TablEdit installer adds quite some convenience:
- download the latest program version / no hard-coded version info
- works for demo preview and secured set-up (if username/password is provided) for registered TablEdit users
- allows selection of local set-up file
- shows TablEdit logo on POL screens
- adds version info to the (desktop and POL) launcher name
- adds TiMidity software synthesizer to launcher (required on Linux)
- updates registry after installation (register user, arrange user interface, language)
- deals robust with registry flaw of delayed visibility of TablEdit values post-installation.
  (Here one assumption is, that wine still needs time to flush the file buffer, but I refrained from digging deeper into this behaviour.)
- provides for automated installation bypassing user interaction as far as possible (only for expert users: USE_AUTOMATION=1)

Have fun!

Volker Fröhlich!



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Saturday 1 May 2021 at 17:52
Script approved.

Edited by VolkerFroehlich

VolkerFroehlich Wednesday 19 August 2020 at 17:23


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


Hi Guys,
I have implemented the improvements and fixed the wine-5.0.2 issue I encountered on Ubuntu 20.04.

The code now runs stable on both Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04.1.



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Thursday 20 August 2020 at 9:32
script approved.
Dadu042 Tuesday 18 August 2020 at 6:03


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


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