@@ -1,315 +1,3 @@
-# Date : (2020-04-07)
-# Last revision : see the changelog below
-# Wine version used : see the changelog below
-# Distribution used to test : KUbuntu 18.04 64 bits
-# Author : Dadu042
-# Licence : Retail
-# TESTED Editions: Version (2020-03)
-# Version (2020-04)
-# Version (2020-06)
-# Middlewares used by this software : DotNet ?, vcrun2015 (VCRUNTIME140).
-# [Dadu042] (2020-04-07 13-10)
-# First script (with v40.2.12.18).
-# [Dadu042] (2020-04-24 15-00)
-# Add warning about exit the app after installing.
-# It is worse with v40.2.16.14: it can not connect to a room.
-# [Dadu042] (2020-04-27 14-00)
-# Wine 5.5 -> 5.7 (behavior is a bit better).
-# [Dadu042] (2020-06-02 14-00) tested with v40.4.10.8
-# After installing, WebexMTA.exe does prevent the script to end (create the shortcut), I had to kill it.
-# [Dadu042] (2021-02-02 14-00) not tested
-# Wine 5.7-> 5.22 (According appdb.winehq.org it gives better results).
-# - Wine x86 5.0, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7: the window 'Preferences' (settings) does open, but when clicking on any line the window does close.
-# - Wine x86 5.7: does reach the 'New Audio and Video Preview Window' but then there is a crash window. Workaround: click 'SKIP' at the bottom of the window.
-# - Wine x86 5.0: the app does not launch (hard to find the right .EXE I had to test the app on Windows). Fix: run ''ptoneclk.exe'
-# - Wine x86 5.5: connected to a meeting but can not see other videos nor hear them. Fix ?: POL_Install_msxml6
-# - Wine x86 5.0: once logged in, the vertical window appear but freeze. Fix: Wine 5.5
-[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
-source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
-TITLE="Cisco Webex Meetings (ptoneclk.exe)"
-# Starting the script
-# Starting debugging API
-# Open dialogue box
-POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
-POL_SetupWindow_message "Warning: The app does not work yet (and perhaps will never), it does just open." "$TITLE"
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'WARNING: this software does exist in Linux native version.\n\nThis script only allow to run the Windows version on Linux, please prefer the Linux edition for better 3D speed.')" "$TITLE"
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'This game requires a fast 3D GPU (ie: Intel HD Graphics 4440 is not enough).')" "$TITLE"
-POL_RequiredVersion "4.3.0" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"
-# Setting prefix path
-POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
-# Determine Architecture
-# POL_System_SetArch "amd64"
-POL_System_SetArch "x86"
-# Downloading wine if necessary and creating prefix
-POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "5.22"
-POL_System_TmpCreate "$PREFIX"
-Set_OS "win7"
-# Installing mandatory dependencies #
-# Not required for Cisco Webex Meetings (v40, 2020-04).
-# POL_Call POL_Install_msxml6
-# POL_Call POL_Install_corefonts
-# POL_Call POL_Install_mfc42
-# POL_Call POL_Install_directmusic
-# POL_Call POL_Install_dsound
-# POL_Call POL_Install_quartz
-# POL_Call POL_Install_d3dx9_43
-# POL_Call POL_Install_d3dcompiler_43
-# POL_Call POL_Install_wininet
-# POL_Call POL_Install_corefonts
-# POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet30sp1
-# POL_Call POL_Install_mono5.20
-# POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet20
-# POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet40
-# POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet472
-# POL_Call POL_Install_dsound
-# POL_Call POL_Install_riched30
-# POL_Call POL_Install_corefonts
-# POL_Call POL_Install_d3dx11
-# POL_Call POL_Install_mono210
-# GPU #
-# Asking about memory size of graphic card
-# POL_SetupWindow_VMS $GAME_VMS
-# Set Graphic Card information keys for wine
-# POL_Wine_SetVideoDriver
-# Useful for Nvidia GPUs
-# POL_Call POL_Install_physx
-# POL_Call POL_Function_SetResolution
-# Sound problem fix - pulseaudio related #
-# [ "$POL_OS" = "Linux" ] && Set_SoundDriver "alsa"
-# [ "$POL_OS" = "Linux" ] && Set_SoundEmulDriver "Y"
-## End Fix
-# Main part of this script #
-# Choose between Steam and other Digital Download versions
-# POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "STEAM,DVD,LOCAL,DOWNLOAD"
-POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,DOWNLOAD"
-POL_SetupWindow_message "Warning: after installing, please do exit the software (in order to end the installation) before to try to use it.\n It may be necessary to close it from your desktop task bar." "$TITLE"
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "Warning: do not install DirectX (nor icons)." "$TITLE"
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "Warning: do not install Visual C++ 2013 redistribuable\n nor Direct X." "$TITLE"
-# Begin game installation
-if [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" == "STEAM" ]; then
- POL_Call POL_Install_steam
- # Mandatory pre-install fix for steam
- POL_Call POL_Install_steam_flags "$STEAM_ID"
- # Shortcut done before install for steam version
- # Steam install
- POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'When $TITLE download by Steam is finished,\nDo NOT click on Play.\n\nClose COMPLETELY the Steam interface, \nso that the installation script can continue')" "$TITLE"
- cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/Steam"
- POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
-elif [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" == "CD" ]; then
- POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
- # POL_Call POL_Function_NoCDWarning
- POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "setup.exe"
- POL_Wine start /unix "$CDROM/setup.exe"
- POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
- # Restore screen resolution (game's default is 800x600 ?)
- # POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' EXIT"
- POL_Shortcut_QuietDebug "$TITLE"
- POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "$DOCUMENT_FILE"
-elif [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" == "DOWNLOAD" ]; then
- cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c"
- # POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext '\n\nNote: this script will download the beta v0.5 .')" "$TITLE"
- # mv webexapp.msi GameInstaller.exe
- # mv Teacher%20Simulator.rar gameinstaller.rar
- # mv Teacher%20Simulator.zip gameinstaller.zip
- # POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$(eval_gettext 'Extracting the archive...')" "$TITLE"
- # POL_System_unrar x "gameinstaller.rar" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/game/" || POL_Debug_Fatal "unrar is required to unarchive $TITLE (unrar package is not installed on the OS)."
- # POL_System_unzip "gameinstaller.zip" -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/game/"
- # Extract without sub-folder.
- # unzip "gameinstaller.zip" -j -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/"
- # POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Note: we recommend you to uncheck all the checkboxes:\n[x] -> [ ]')" "$TITLE"
- # cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/game/"
- # POL_Wine "setup.exe" # "/SILENT"
- # POL_Wine_WaitBefore "$TITLE"
- POL_Wine msiexec /i "webexapp.msi"
- POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
- # rm GameInstaller.exe
- # rm gameinstaller.zip
- POL_Shortcut_QuietDebug "$TITLE"
- # Restore screen resolution (game's default is 1024x768)
- # POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' EXIT"
- POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "$DOCUMENT_FILE"
-elif [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" == "LOCAL" ]; then
- # POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'What is the type of the file?.')" "$TITLE" "$(eval_gettext '.EXE')~$(eval_gettext '.ZIP')~$(eval_gettext '.RAR')" "~"
- # POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'What is the type of the file?.')" "$TITLE" "$(eval_gettext '.ZIP')~$(eval_gettext '.RAR')" "~"
- POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'What is the type of the file?.')" "$TITLE" "$(eval_gettext '.MSI')~$(eval_gettext '.EXE')" "~"
-if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == ".EXE" ]; then
- # Asking then installing local files of the game
- cd "$HOME"
- POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the setup file to run')" "$TITLE"
- POL_Wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
- POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
- # Restore screen resolution (game's default is 640x480 ?)
- # POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' EXIT"
- POL_Shortcut_QuietDebug "$TITLE"
- POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "$DOCUMENT_FILE"
-elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$(eval_gettext '.MSI')" ]; then
- # Asking then installing local files of the game
- cd "$HOME"
- POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the setup file to run')" "$TITLE"
- POL_Wine msiexec /i "$SETUP_EXE"
- POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
- # Restore screen resolution (game's default is 640x480 ?)
- # POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT" "trap 'xrandr -s 0' EXIT"
- POL_Shortcut_QuietDebug "$TITLE"
- POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "$DOCUMENT_FILE"
-elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$(eval_gettext '.ZIP')" ]; then
- cd "$HOME"
- POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext '\n\nWARNING: the file name must not have SPACES in its name !.')" "$TITLE"
- POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the .ZIP file')" "$TITLE"
- cd "$POL_System_TmpDir"
- POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$(eval_gettext 'Extracting the archive...')" "$TITLE"
- POL_System_unzip "$APP_ANSWER" -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/game/"
- POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "$DOCUMENT_FILE"
-elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$(eval_gettext '.RAR')" ]; then
- cd "$HOME"
- POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the .RAR file')" "$TITLE"
- cd "$POL_System_TmpDir"
- POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$(eval_gettext 'Extracting the archive...')" "$TITLE"
- POL_System_unrar x "$APP_ANSWER" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/game/" || POL_Debug_Fatal "unrar is required to unarchive $TITLE (unrar package is not installed on the OS)."
- POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "$DOCUMENT_FILE"
-# Patch update #
-# POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'Do you want to install a official patch-update ?')" "$TITLE" "$(eval_gettext 'Yes')~$(eval_gettext 'No')" "~"
-if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$(eval_gettext 'Yes')" ]; then
- POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the .EXE file to run')" "$TITLE"
- POL_Wine start /unix "$PATCH_EXE"
- POL_Wine_WaitExit "$PATCH_EXE"
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext '\nInstallation is finished ! :)')" "$TITLE"
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'WARNING: to avoid to have huge log file, you should type \ninto Debug flags : fixme-all')" "$TITLE"
-# Fail ?
-# POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_FIN" "$TITLE"
-exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
+Une idée utiliser le logiciel tout en un de webex :
\ No newline at end of file