@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env playonlinux-bash
+# -*- mode: sh -*-
+# [SuperPlumus] (2011-12-02 20-58)
+# Conversion v3 -> v4
+# [Quentin PÂRIS] (2012-04-28 22-39)
+# Using dosbox instead of wine
+# [Quentin PÂRIS] (2012-04-28 23-05)
+# Auto-closing dosbox
+# [Quentin PÂRIS] (2012-04-29 17-41)
+# Fix CD-ROM Problems
+# [Quentin PÂRIS] (2012-08-08 11-02)
+# Check PlayOnLinux version
+# [SuperPlumus] (2013-12-08 18-53)
+# Update gettext messages
+# [Alexandre BEAUGY] (2019-09-08 08-17)
+# Convert script from DOS game to Windows game.
+# Upgraded wine version
+# Fixed install process
+# Added MIDI playback capability
+# Date : (2010-01-19 18-00)
+# Last revision : (2019-09-08 08-17)
+# Wine version used : 2.22
+# Distribution used to test : Debian 10 Buster x86_64
+# Game Version : N/A.
+# Author : SuperPlumus, Quentin PÂRIS et Alexandre BEAUGY
+# Licence : GPLv3
+# PlayOnLinux: 4.3.4
+[ "${PLAYONLINUX}" = "" ] && exit 0
+source "${PLAYONLINUX}/lib/sources"
+AUTHOR="SuperPlumus, Quentin PÂRIS et Alexandre BEAUGY"
+EDITOR="Bullfrog Productions, Ltd."
+TITLE="Theme Hospital"
+# Initialisation
+POL_System_SetArch "x86" # Force default value, in case it changes one day...
+# Presentation
+POL_SetupWindow_presentation "${TITLE}" "${EDITOR}" "${GAME_URL}" "${AUTHOR}" "${PREFIX}"
+# Create prefix
+POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "${PREFIX}"
+POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "${WORKING_WINE_VERSION}"
+# Select installer's location: LOCAL or CD
+if [ x${setup_file} = x ] ; then
+ POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,CD"
+ case "$INSTALL_METHOD" in
+ "CD" )
+ POL_RequiredVersion "4.0.0" || POL_Debug_Fatal "Sorry, $APPLICATION_TITLE 4.0+ is required to install $TITLE from CD-ROM"
+ if [ ! -f ${setup_file} ] ; then
+ POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Please insert the game media into your disk drive.')" "$TITLE"
+ POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
+ POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "${DEFAULT_SETUP}"
+ setup_file="$CDROM_SETUP"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "LOCAL" )
+ POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the setup file to run')" "$TITLE"
+ setup_file="$APP_ANSWER"
+ ;;
+ esac
+[ "${setup_file}" = "" ] && exit 2
+# Configuration
+Set_OS "win98"
+Set_Desktop "On" "640" "480"
+# Game's initial install
+POL_Wine_WaitBefore "${TITLE}"
+POL_Wine "${setup_file}"
+POL_Wine_WaitExit "${TITLE}"
+POL_SetupWindow_VMS "256"
+# Select (latest) patch to install
+POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the (latest) patch file to run')" "${TITLE}" "${DEFAULT_PATCH}"
+# Game's (latest) patch install
+pushd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Bullfrog/"
+cp ${setup_file} .
+mkdir THPatch
+pushd THPatch >/dev/null
+unrar x ../THPatch.rar
+file_list=( $(find . -type f) )
+popd >/dev/null
+pushd Hospital >/dev/null
+tar cvf ../THUnpatch.tar ${file_list[*]}
+popd >/dev/null
+cp -arv THPatch/* Hospital/.
+rm -rf THPatch
+popd >/dev/null
+# Create Shortcut
+# Fix shortcut to allow game play MIDI musics
+sed -i -e '/source "$PLAYONLINUX/a timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os -EFreverb=0&' "${POL_USER_ROOT}/shortcuts/$TITLE"
+echo "killall timidity" >>"${POL_USER_ROOT}/shortcuts/$TITLE"
+exit 0
\ No newline at end of file