Prince of Persia (2008)


Creator Message


This installer has been approved by the team.


Downloads: 23705
Wine: System



A action-adventure and platforming video game. Wikipedia.


English : The new Prince Of Persia is arrived. Little more than a smooth-talking thief, the Prince gets lost in a sandstorm while searching for his donkey, Farah. Of course, this is no ordinary sandstorm. This mystical phenomenon transports the Prince to another land, one seemingly made more of myth than reality. It's here where he fatefully runs into Elika, a beautiful barefoot descendant of a clan sworn to guard the prison of the evil god Ahriman. As bad luck would have it, the two meet just in time to witness Ahriman's release from his prison inside the Tree of Life. His escape releases corruption across the four areas of the world. This corruption will spread further unless the Prince and Elika can heal the infected lands. And so begins your adventure.

Français : Le cru 2008 de Prince of Persia est un jeu de plates-formes/action laissant la part belle aux acrobaties et duels épiques. Le prince rentre d'une longue aventure, chargé d'un fastueux trésor. Au cours d'une tempête de sable, il se retrouve catapulté dans un merveilleux jardin et confronté à la destruction de l'arbre de la vie. Ahriman, l'esprit du mal et de la destruction est libéré. Il ne tient qu'à notre héros, accompagné de la princesse Elika, d'enfermer à nouveau le mal dans sa prison.

Source code

# Date : (2010-21-09 20-00)
# Last revision : (2011-18-07 20-00)
# Wine version used : 1.2.3
# Distribution used to test : Debian Testing x64
# Author : GNU_Raziel
# Licence : Retail
# Only For :
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

TITLE="Prince of Persia 2008"

if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Quelle version possédez-vous?"
LNG_DVD="Version DVD"
LNG_STEAM="Version Steam Store"
LNG_DDV="Version Digital Download"
LNG_CHOOSE_DDV="Veuillez selectionner votre executable Digital Download de $TITLE"
LNG_INSERT_MEDIA="Veuillez insérer le disque $TITLE dans votre lecteur\nsi ce n'est pas déja fait."
LNG_WAIT_END="Appuyez sur \"Suivant\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du\njeu sera terminée sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
LNG_WAIT_STEAM_END="Appuyez sur \"Suivant\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du jeu Steam\nsera terminée sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
LNG_INSTALL_ON="Installation en cours..."
LNG_GAME_VMS="Quelle est la quantité de mémoire (Mo) de votre carte graphique ?" 
LNG_VMS_ERROR="Ce jeu ne fonctionnera correctement qu'avec une carte graphique ayant plus de 256Mo de mémoire."
LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE a été installé avec succès."
LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Which version do you have?"
LNG_DVD="DVD Version"
LNG_STEAM="Steam Store Version"
LNG_DDV="Digital Download Version"
LNG_CHOOSE_DDV="Please select your $TITLE Digital Download executable"
LNG_INSERT_MEDIA="Please insert $TITLE media into your disk drive\nif not already done."
LNG_WAIT_END="Click on \"Forward\" ONLY when the game installation is finished\nor you will have to redo the installation."
LNG_WAIT_STEAM_END="Click on \"Forward\" ONLY when Steam game installation\nwill be finished or you will have to redo the installation."
LNG_INSTALL_ON="Installation in progress..."
LNG_GAME_VMS="How much memory does your graphics board have?" 
LNG_VMS_ERROR="This game will work correctly only with a graphic card with more than 256Mo of memory."
LNG_GAME_WARNING="You must disable anti-piracy protections of this game\nif you want to play it with wine."
LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE has been installed successfully."
# Starting the script
rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/*.jpg"
POL_GetSetupImages "" "" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Ubisoft" "" "GNU_Raziel" "$PREFIX" 
select_prefix "$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$PREFIX"

# Downloading specific Wine
if [ "$MACHTYPE" == "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" ]; then
        POL_Call POL_Install_wine64b
        POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION"

# Creating prefix 

# Choose between DVD and Digital Download version
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$LNG_DVD" ]; then
elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$LNG_STEAM" ]; then

# Installing mandatory dependencies
if [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "STEAM" ]; then
        POL_Call POL_Install_steam
        POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2005
POL_Call POL_Install_dxfullsetup

if [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "DVD" ]; then
        # Asking for CDROM and checking if it's correct one
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_INSERT_MEDIA" "$TITLE"
        POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "setup.exe"
        wine start /unix "$CDROM/setup.exe"
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$TITLE"
elif [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "STEAM" ]; then
        cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/Steam"
        wine "steam.exe" -applaunch 19980
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_STEAM_END" "$TITLE"
        # Asking then installing DDV of the game
        cd "$HOME"
        POL_SetupWindow_browse "$LNG_CHOOSE_DDV" "$TITLE"
        POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$LNG_INSTALL_ON" "$TITLE"
        wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
        wineserver -w
# Asking about memory size of graphic card
POL_SetupWindow_menu_list "$LNG_GAME_VMS" "$TITLE" "64-128-256-320-384-512-640-768-896-1024-1536-1792-2048-3072-4096" "-" "256"
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/"
cat << EOF > vms.reg
regedit vms.reg
if [ "$VMS" -lt "256" ]; then
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_VMS_ERROR" "$TITLE"

## Fix for this game
cd "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/"
cat << EOF > PoP_Fix.reg
regedit PoP_Fix.reg

## Begin GNU/Linux fix ##
# don't work with OSX since 'lspci' command do not exist
if [ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ]; then
        VGA_ID1=`lspci | grep VGA | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n 1`
        VGA_ID2=`lspci -n | grep $VGA_ID1 | awk '{ print $3 }'`
        VendorID=`echo $VGA_ID2 | awk -F: '{ print $1 }'`
        DeviceID=`echo $VGA_ID2 | awk -F: '{ print $2 }'`
        cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/"
        if [ "$VendorID" == "10de" ]; then
        elif [ "$VendorID" == "1002" ]; then
        elif [ "$VendorID" == "8086" ]; then
cat << EOF > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg"
        regedit "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg"
## End GNU/Linux fix ##

POL_Call POL_Function_OverrideDLL "" "mmdevapi"

# Sound problem fix - pulseaudio related
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundDriver "alsa"
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundEmulDriver "Y"
## End Fix
## PlayOnMac Section
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] || Set_Managed "Off"
## End Section

# Cleaning temp
if [ -e "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" ]; then
        rm -rf "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/*"
        chmod -R 777 "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/"
        rm -rf "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/*"
# Making shortcut
POL_SetupWindow_auto_shortcut "$PREFIX" "Launcher.exe" "$TITLE" "$TITLE.xpm" ""
Set_WineVersion_Assign "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" "$TITLE"

# Game protection warning
POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_GAME_WARNING" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_SUCCES" "$TITLE"



Member Message
erineas Tuesday 4 November 2014 at 1:38
erineas Anonymous


I'm using Mac OSX Mavericks. The game starts fine but crashes shortly after selecting a new game.

I've tried modifying the screen settings and the DARE.ini file as suggested in other sites without success.

I'm attaching my backtrace dump from wine:



Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x86684053 in 32-bit code (0x47153c37).
Register dump:
 CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:102f GS:000f
 EIP:47153c37 ESP:0227e4e0 EBP:0227e4f8 EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:404e869e EBX:404e8660 ECX:86684043 EDX:404e8668
 ESI:404e8668 EDI:000003ca
Stack dump:
0x0227e4e0:  404a2610 00000000 00000000 4021f7c0
0x0227e4f0:  00200000 41491800 0227e538 4730bdfc
0x0227e500:  4021f7c0 00000000 000006c4 414ab404
0x0227e510:  47495948 00000000 00000000 0000071f
0x0227e520:  00000720 00000000 000006c4 4029dc50
0x0227e530:  00200000 41491800 0227e6d8 4730a15f
0205: sel=102f base=7fb40000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x47153c37 _ZN6GHAL3D20CGen4SSAMappingTable22ResetRegUseInstMappingEv+0x57() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e4f8)
  1 0x4730bdfc _ZN6GHAL3D23CGen4KernelFunctionList22RefreshSSAMappingTableEPNS_20CGen4SSAMappingTableE+0x1b() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e538)
  2 0x4730a15f _ZN6GHAL3D23CGen4KernelFunctionList27VirtualRegistersToRegistersEPNS_24CGen4EURegisterAllocatorEbPNS_21CGen4ShaderDecomposerEPNS_22CGen4ShaderSymbolTableERK29S3DKernelHardwareCapabilitiesjjjRbRjSB_SB_NS_11SHADER_TYPEE+0xa0e() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e6d8)
  3 0x472278c0 _ZN6GHAL3D30CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgram7CompileERKNS_23SKernelCompilerControlsE+0x1ef() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e758)
  4 0x472274db _ZN6GHAL3D30CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgram5BuildEv+0x6a() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e778)
  5 0x47227459 _ZN6GHAL3D30CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgram10InitializeEv+0x98() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e7c8)
  6 0x4722735f _ZN6GHAL3D30CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgram6CreateEPKv12PLATFORM_STRPKNS_13CVertexShaderERK29S3DKernelHardwareCapabilitiesRPS0_+0xae() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e7f8)
  7 0x473e4112 _ZN6GHAL3D39CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgramCacheData10InitializeEv+0x71() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e848)
  8 0x473e403b _ZN6GHAL3D39CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgramCacheData6CreateEPNS_20CStateProcessorCacheERKNS_38SGen6VertexShaderKernelProgramCacheKeyERPS0_+0xba() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e868)
  9 0x473f4553 _ZN6GHAL3D11CStateCacheINS_38SGen6VertexShaderKernelProgramCacheKeyENS_39CGen6VertexShaderKernelProgramCacheDataEE15PreAllocateDataERKS1_RNS_11HANDLE_TYPEE+0xb2() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e8e8)
  10 0x473f165f _ZN6GHAL3D24CGen6StateProcessorCache18CreateVertexShaderENS_11HANDLE_TYPEE+0x2e() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e918)
  11 0x47120928 _ZN6GHAL3D22CPrivateStateProcessor18CreateVertexShaderEPNS_13CVertexShaderE+0x97() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227e958)
  12 0x47120595 glrUpdateCtxSysVertexProgram+0x746() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227eb78)
  13 0x47406e5d gpusLoadCurrentPipelinePrograms+0x247() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227ebc8)
  14 0x4741af4c _Z36g575_LoadAndOptimizePipelineProgramsP13GLDContextRecPj+0x43() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227ebe8)
  15 0x4711f3f7 gldUpdateDispatch+0xab5() in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver (0x0227ecb8)
  16 0x9a54f4a0 gleDoDrawDispatchCore+0x233() in glengine (0x0227ece8)
  17 0x9a50d60e glDrawElementsBaseVertex_ACC_Exec+0x100() in glengine (0x0227ed38)
  18 0x90c18b5e glDrawElementsBaseVertex+0x3a() in libgl.dylib (0x0227ed58)
0x47153c37 _ZN6GHAL3D20CGen4SSAMappingTable22ResetRegUseInstMappingEv+0x57 in appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver: movl    %edx,0x10(%ecx)
Module    Address            Debug info    Name (266 modules)
PE      340000-  356000    Deferred        xinput1_3
PE      400000- 1100000    Deferred        prince of persia
PE     1100000- 14c8000    Deferred        d3dx9_39
PE    10000000-1001f000    Deferred        eax
PE    18000000-18038000    Deferred        binkw32
PE    40001000-401b9000    Deferred        libwine.1.0.dylib
ELF    41a00000-41a28000    Deferred        imm32<elf>
  \-PE    41a10000-41a22000    \               imm32
ELF    41a9c000-41ab8000    Deferred        version<elf>
  \-PE    41aa0000-41ab5000    \               version
ELF    41ab8000-41afc000    Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE    41ac0000-41af5000    \               ws2_32
ELF    41c00000-41d7d000    Deferred        user32<elf>
  \-PE    41c10000-41d31000    \               user32
ELF    41d7d000-41eb9000    Deferred        gdi32<elf>
  \-PE    41d80000-41e4c000    \               gdi32
ELF    41eb9000-41f34000    Deferred        advapi32<elf>
  \-PE    41ec0000-41f1c000    \               advapi32
ELF    41f34000-41fce000    Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
  \-PE    41f40000-41faa000    \               rpcrt4
ELF    41fce000-41ff8000    Deferred        dinput8<elf>
  \-PE    41fd0000-41fe9000    \               dinput8
ELF    43000000-43160000    Deferred        ole32<elf>
  \-PE    43010000-4311a000    \               ole32
ELF    43160000-432b9000    Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
  \-PE    43170000-43262000    \               oleaut32
ELF    432b9000-433f5000    Deferred        comctl32<elf>
  \-PE    432c0000-433cd000    \               comctl32
ELF    433f5000-4343d000    Deferred        d3d9<elf>
  \-PE    43400000-4342c000    \               d3d9
ELF    4343d000-435b0000    Stabs           wined3d<elf>
  \-PE    43440000-4358f000    \               wined3d
ELF    435b0000-436e2000    Deferred        opengl32<elf>
  \-PE    435c0000-43680000    \               opengl32
ELF    436e2000-437a4000    Deferred        msvcrt<elf>
  \-PE    436f0000-43781000    \               msvcrt
ELF    437a4000-4382b000    Deferred        setupapi<elf>
  \-PE    437b0000-43807000    \               setupapi
ELF    4382b000-438f0000    Deferred        winmm<elf>
  \-PE    43830000-438df000    \               winmm
ELF    438f0000-4391e000    Deferred        msacm32<elf>
  \-PE    43900000-43918000    \               msacm32
ELF    4391e000-439a8000    Deferred        wininet<elf>
  \-PE    43920000-43995000    \               wininet
ELF    439a8000-439d2000    Deferred        mpr<elf>
  \-PE    439b0000-439cc000    \               mpr
ELF    439d2000-43a60000    Deferred        shlwapi<elf>
  \-PE    439e0000-43a39000    \               shlwapi
ELF    43a60000-43cbf000    Deferred        shell32<elf>
  \-PE    43a70000-43c7b000    \               shell32
ELF    43cbf000-43ce9000    Deferred        iphlpapi<elf>
  \-PE    43cd0000-43ce2000    \               iphlpapi
ELF    43ce9000-43d47000    Deferred        dsound<elf>
  \-PE    43cf0000-43d31000    \               dsound
PE    43d47000-43dd4000    Deferred        libfreetype.6.dylib
ELF    43dd4000-43e7e000    Deferred        winemac<elf>
  \-PE    43de0000-43e52000    \               winemac
ELF    45659000-45697000    Deferred        uxtheme<elf>
  \-PE    45660000-4568f000    \               uxtheme
PE    458b9000-458f3000    Deferred        familycontrols
PE    458f3000-45908000    Deferred        commercecore
ELF    4590c000-4593f000    Deferred        gameux<elf>
  \-PE    45910000-4592f000    \               gameux
ELF    459c8000-45a25000    Deferred        dinput<elf>
  \-PE    459d0000-45a0f000    \               dinput
PE    45a25000-45a2d000    Deferred        forcefeedback
PE    45a2e000-45a40000    Deferred        libgpusupport.dylib
ELF    46ee5000-46f29000    Deferred        wbemprox<elf>
  \-PE    46ef0000-46f1b000    \               wbemprox
ELF    46f29000-46f5e000    Deferred        dxgi<elf>
  \-PE    46f30000-46f4d000    \               dxgi
PE    46fa4000-46fad000    Deferred        applehdahalplugin
PE    47100000-47581000    Stabs           appleintelhd3000graphicsgldriver
PE    477e1000-47800000    Deferred        libexpat.1.dylib
ELF    489a6000-489d5000    Deferred        mmdevapi<elf>
  \-PE    489b0000-489c7000    \               mmdevapi
ELF    4a7ae000-4a7e9000    Deferred        winecoreaudio<elf>
  \-PE    4a7b0000-4a7d8000    \               winecoreaudio
PE    4bc27000-4bc89000    Deferred        coremidi
ELF    7b800000-7ba7b000    Deferred        kernel32<elf>
  \-PE    7b810000-7ba43000    \               kernel32
ELF    7bc00000-7bcf1000    Deferred        ntdll<elf>
  \-PE    7bc10000-7bcb9000    \               ntdll
ELF    7bf00000-82001000    Deferred        <wine-loader>
PE    902a5000-902e1000    Deferred        libsystem_info.dylib
PE    902ce000-902d1000    Deferred        cocoa
PE    90446000-90921000    Deferred        hitoolbox
PE    90446000-90921000    Deferred        hitoolbox
PE    907c4000-90854000    Deferred        heimdal
PE    90830000-90875000    Deferred        ldap
PE    90877000-908a3000    Deferred        libjpeg.dylib
PE    9089c000-908b8000    Deferred        opendirectory
PE    90948000-90982000    Deferred        libxpc.dylib
PE    90a76000-90a92000    Deferred        libsystem_asl.dylib
PE    90a89000-90b37000    Deferred        searchkit
PE    90b08000-90c2c000    Deferred        libjp2.dylib
PE    90c07000-90c17000    Deferred        libcgcms.a.dylib
PE    90c07000-90c17000    Deferred        libcgcms.a.dylib
PE    90e8d000-90ebb000    Deferred        ubiquity
PE    90ec2000-90edf000    Deferred        librarian
PE    90ec2000-90edf000    Deferred        librarian
PE    90f69000-90f7a000    Deferred        libkxld.dylib
PE    90f76000-90fdd000    Deferred        libtiff.dylib
PE    90fd0000-910a5000    Deferred        coresymbolication
PE    9105b000-910a2000    Deferred        debugsymbols
PE    910ca000-910ed000    Deferred        libpng.dylib
PE    910e6000-910ef000    Deferred        efilogin
PE    910e6000-910ef000    Deferred        efilogin
PE    910e9000-91107000    Deferred        sharing
PE    91596000-9164d000    Deferred        libvmisc.dylib
PE    917b4000-91953000    Deferred        libglprogrammability.dylib
PE    917b4000-91953000    Deferred        libglprogrammability.dylib
PE    919b4000-919f0000    Deferred        libsystem_m.dylib
PE    919e6000-919f5000    Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib
PE    919ef000-91a37000    Deferred        libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE    91ad1000-91b2f000    Deferred        libcups.2.dylib
PE    91b1e000-92167000    Deferred        facecore
PE    91b1e000-92167000    Deferred        facecore
PE    91f66000-91fc4000    Deferred        iconservices
PE    91f66000-91fc4000    Deferred        iconservices
PE    91fdb000-91ff0000    Deferred        applefscompression
PE    91fe9000-91ffc000    Deferred        directoryservice
PE    91fe9000-91ffc000    Deferred        directoryservice
PE    9238a000-92505000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    9238a000-92505000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    9238a000-92505000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    924ec000-92d6f000    Deferred        performanceanalysis
PE    92535000-9257d000    Deferred        mediakit
PE    931c1000-931cd000    Deferred        iosurface
PE    931c1000-931cd000    Deferred        iosurface
PE    931c1000-931cd000    Deferred        iosurface
PE    932b0000-932fc000    Deferred        gss
PE    93351000-93490000    Deferred        backup
PE    93351000-93490000    Deferred        backup
PE    93f70000-93fa1000    Deferred        kerberos
PE    93f70000-93fa1000    Deferred        kerberos
PE    93f8a000-9441d000    Deferred        coregraphics
PE    93f8a000-9441d000    Deferred        coregraphics
PE    94457000-94873000    Deferred        liblapack.dylib
PE    9481d000-9496a000    Deferred        libfontparser.dylib
PE    94912000-94a48000    Deferred        libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE    94912000-94a48000    Deferred        libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE    94cf8000-94d1a000    Deferred        multitouchsupport
PE    94d0d000-94d5c000    Deferred        systemadministration
PE    94d0d000-94d5c000    Deferred        systemadministration
PE    94d75000-94d83000    Deferred        netfs
PE    94f48000-94f4f000    Deferred        libcvmspluginsupport.dylib
PE    94f56000-94f63000    Deferred        print
PE    94faf000-9502f000    Deferred        hiservices
PE    94faf000-9502f000    Deferred        hiservices
PE    95028000-9502e000    Deferred        libodfde.dylib
PE    95028000-9502e000    Deferred        libodfde.dylib
PE    95028000-9502e000    Deferred        libodfde.dylib
PE    9502b000-95070000    Deferred        libsystem_network.dylib
PE    95071000-95398000    Deferred        vimage
PE    95071000-95398000    Deferred        vimage
PE    953b1000-95610000    Deferred        cfnetwork
PE    9553f000-955b9000    Deferred        htmlrendering
PE    9553f000-955b9000    Deferred        htmlrendering
PE    9553f000-955b9000    Deferred        htmlrendering
PE    955a6000-955eb000    Deferred        libglimage.dylib
PE    955a6000-955eb000    Deferred        libglimage.dylib
PE    9563b000-9564b000    Deferred        aosnotification
PE    9563b000-9564b000    Deferred        aosnotification
PE    95681000-95698000    Deferred        libsasl2.2.dylib
PE    95681000-95698000    Deferred        libsasl2.2.dylib
PE    9574e000-9581e000    Deferred        colorsync
PE    9574e000-9581e000    Deferred        colorsync
PE    95836000-95840000    Deferred        libheimdal-asn1.dylib
PE    95865000-95895000    Deferred        libc++abi.dylib
PE    9593f000-95a03000    Deferred        libcorestorage.dylib
PE    9593f000-95a03000    Deferred        libcorestorage.dylib
PE    959df000-96b89000    Deferred        appkit
PE    959df000-96b89000    Deferred        appkit
PE    965fe000-966fc000    Deferred        libiconv.2.dylib
PE    965fe000-966fc000    Deferred        libiconv.2.dylib
PE    96900000-96928000    Deferred        libresolv.9.dylib
PE    9696d000-96add000    Deferred        coreui
PE    9696d000-96add000    Deferred        coreui
PE    96a9b000-96b2b000    Deferred        symbolication
PE    96a9b000-96b2b000    Deferred        symbolication
PE    96b2e000-96bf7000    Deferred        qd
PE    96bcb000-96bd4000    Deferred        libutil.dylib
PE    96bcb000-96bd4000    Deferred        libutil.dylib
PE    96bcf000-96d7c000    Deferred        desktopservicespriv
PE    972a2000-972f7000    Deferred        libcurl.4.dylib
PE    972a2000-972f7000    Deferred        libcurl.4.dylib
PE    9826c000-98387000    Deferred        libxml2.2.dylib
PE    9826c000-98387000    Deferred        libxml2.2.dylib
PE    98361000-984c9000    Deferred        imageio
PE    98544000-98680000    Deferred        diskimages
PE    98958000-9896d000    Deferred        libcsfde.dylib
PE    98958000-9896d000    Deferred        libcsfde.dylib
PE    98958000-9896d000    Deferred        libcsfde.dylib
PE    98977000-9897d000    Deferred        trustevaluationagent
PE    98977000-9897d000    Deferred        trustevaluationagent
PE    98996000-9899f000    Deferred        tcc
PE    989f0000-98b34000    Deferred        launchservices
PE    98acc000-98ad4000    Deferred        applicationservices
PE    98b30000-98b70000    Deferred        corevideo
PE    98c77000-98c8a000    Deferred        diskarbitration
PE    98c77000-98c8a000    Deferred        diskarbitration
PE    98c86000-99022000    Deferred        coreimage
PE    98c86000-99022000    Deferred        coreimage
PE    98fa9000-98fdf000    Deferred        librip.a.dylib
PE    98fa9000-98fdf000    Deferred        librip.a.dylib
PE    98fd2000-990ae000    Deferred        libvdsp.dylib
PE    99419000-99423000    Deferred        libcgxtype.a.dylib
PE    994b5000-9951a000    Deferred        remoteviewservices
PE    994f2000-99611000    Deferred        discrecording
PE    994f2000-99611000    Deferred        discrecording
PE    99715000-99724000    Deferred        libcldcpuengine.dylib
PE    99715000-99724000    Deferred        libcldcpuengine.dylib
PE    99734000-9985d000    Deferred        libsqlite3.dylib
PE    99912000-99922000    Deferred        liblaunch.dylib
PE    99923000-9992b000    Deferred        libsystem_configuration.dylib
PE    99923000-9992b000    Deferred        libsystem_configuration.dylib
PE    9a314000-9a36a000    Deferred        coreservicesinternal
PE    9a314000-9a36a000    Deferred        coreservicesinternal
PE    9a3aa000-9a3ad000    Deferred        accelerate
PE    9a3aa000-9a3ad000    Deferred        accelerate
PE    9a3ab000-9a3d8000    Deferred        openscripting
PE    9a3c7000-9a3ca000    Deferred        veclib
PE    9a44f000-9a62e000    Stabs           glengine
PE    9a44f000-9a62e000    Stabs           glengine
PE    9a44f000-9a62e000    Stabs           glengine
PE    9a44f000-9a62e000    Stabs           glengine
PE    9a44f000-9a62e000    Stabs           glengine
PE    9a44f000-9a62e000    Stabs           glengine
PE    9a612000-9a939000    Deferred        coredata
PE    9a8df000-9ac80000    Deferred        security
PE    9ab65000-9ab80000    Deferred        speechsynthesis
PE    9ab65000-9ab80000    Deferred        speechsynthesis
PE    9ab7a000-9ab90000    Deferred        opengl
PE    9ab7a000-9ab90000    Deferred        opengl
PE    9aeb7000-9af54000    Deferred        ats
PE    9aeb7000-9af54000    Deferred        ats
PE    9aeb7000-9af54000    Deferred        ats
PE    9af69000-9af9e000    Deferred        glrendererfloat
PE    9af69000-9af9e000    Deferred        glrendererfloat
PE    9b064000-9b0a2000    Deferred        libsystem_kernel.dylib
PE    9b0a3000-9b0c4000    Deferred        libsystem_malloc.dylib
PE    9b0a3000-9b0c4000    Deferred        libsystem_malloc.dylib
PE    9b26e000-9b2be000    Deferred        libglu.dylib
PE    9b2b1000-9b2e8000    Deferred        chunkinglibrary
PE    9bc04000-9bc0d000    Deferred        help
PE    9bc08000-9bc5a000    Deferred        bom
PE    9bc08000-9bc5a000    Deferred        bom
PE    9bc49000-9bd5e000    Deferred        osservices
PE    9becd000-9bf45000    Deferred        coreaudio
PE    9becd000-9bf45000    Deferred        coreaudio
PE    9bf23000-9bfbd000    Deferred        systemconfiguration
PE    9bf23000-9bfbd000    Deferred        systemconfiguration
PE    9bf91000-9bfa8000    Deferred        netauth
PE    9bf91000-9bfa8000    Deferred        netauth
PE    9bfa2000-9bfce000    Deferred        imagecapture
PE    9c236000-9c23c000    Deferred        audiounit
PE    9c24e000-9c259000    Deferred        loginuicore
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
    0000001d    0
    0000001c    0
    00000014    0
    00000010    0
    0000000f    0
00000012 winedevice.exe
    0000001b    0
    00000018    0
    00000017    0
    00000013    0
00000019 plugplay.exe
    0000001f    0
    0000001e    0
    0000001a    0
00000022 explorer.exe
    00000023    0
00000037 (D) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Prince of Persia\Prince of Persia.exe
    00000046    0
    00000045    1
    00000044   15
    00000043    0
    00000042    0
    00000041    0
    00000040   -1
    0000003f   -1
    0000003e   -1
    0000003d   -1 <==
    0000003c    0
    0000003b    0
    0000003a    0
    00000039    1
    00000038    0
System information:
    Wine build: wine-1.7.30
    Platform: i386
    Host system: Darwin
    Host version: 13.4.0




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