Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends


Creator Message


This installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected


Downloads: 4607
Wine: 4.0.4



Real-time strategy video game, base in a fantasy world. 2006


Source code



Member Message
evild4ve Thursday 29 December 2022 at 2:11



Not sure if this is still alive, or if there are any issues with posting to it after some long time - apologies for this.

The installer didn't work for me at all. However I've somehow overcome the previous bug I was getting re. MSXM

I can install the game by (i) extracting all 4 cds into a normal directory on the linux system; (ii) mounting either an original CD or ISO; (iii) within PoL Configure Menu, install the game by running the autorun.exe in the directory I made before with all the cds extracted into it - enter the CD key when prompted; (iv) wine must be configured to Windows XP; (v) PoL must use the System version of Wine and no other (due to a bug that otherwise comes up with the PID); (vi) download patch to v2.5 and run this exe on the wineprefix; (vii) go to Install Components and install msxml3, mfc42, mfc42u, (msxml4); run the game from legends.exe with the cd mounted.

The game now opens but it can't load any maps, even if it can see them inside the directories. This prevents me from playing either the Campaign or Skirmishes. I suspect it may be a permissions issue so will next try changing the user permissions on some maps. (updated: allowing all users read+write permissions on a map didn't work)

The error it gives whenever a map is selected in Skirmish is "The Setup Data is Not Valid"

In Campaign it loads the strategic map and allows a mission to be selected. However instead of the map loading up, it always returns to the previous screen.

UPDATED: The fix for this was to install msxml3 instead of msxml4. The game stores some xml files (including one called game setup) in various folders, and I guess it calls this specific version of msxml. Some other guides say the wrong version, or perhaps it is different for different patched or regions.



Thursday 29 December 2022 at 14:01
also (vii) Microsoft Core Fonts must be installed for the CD key to be entered. Otherwise the input boxes can only hold 4 characters (!)

in LAN multiplayer it's possible to see a host's game but not to join it (no response from host) - this can be solved by making sure PCs have patched to the same version

next, I can start a game but the host is booted immediately, leaving the other player in the game - this happens if there are differences between the 2 players' map files (in my case due to installing some mods), it can be fixed by copying the folders maps, Data, campaign, rules onto both pcs to make them identical

Online play doesn't work. Trying to start LAN play brings up an error 3 times that the internet isn't accessible - before it finally opens the LAN lobby

NB: the above is for a 4xCD version of the game with one pc using (ripped images of) original cds+key and the other using a publicly-archived version. I'm not sure if the game checks if both players have used the same CD-key or if it just wants the cd to be (mounted in gcdemu as if it was) in the drive.

Overall this is the most difficult wine installation I've managed, on POL or elsewhere. I think I wrote down all the steps I needed to do and hope this will be useful toward automating it for others.


Edited by evild4ve

Dadu042 Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 22:52


This update has been approved by the team.


New source code


Dadu042 Thursday 4 July 2019 at 6:20


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


Minor changes.


New source code


LinuxScripter Wednesday 3 July 2019 at 22:31
LinuxScripter Anonymous


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


Added steam option to the menu.


New source code


Thursday 4 July 2019 at 6:09
Thanks for contributing, however I did not add Steam yet, because it is not available from their store currently.
Dadu042 Wednesday 3 July 2019 at 21:51


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


Gameplay tested 3 min.


New source code


Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 22:46
Sorry, brand new to play on linux. I'm running Ubuntu 18.04LTS and installed play on linux per the download instructions. I've installed my copy of Rise of Legends, but when I try to type in my key, it doesn't work. I can type all five characters in the last four boxes, but the first box only allows me to type in 4 characters of the key. I've tried "ctrl a" delete to ensure that I'm not harboring any invisible spaces, no joy. Any ideas?
Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 22:52
Use the forum.
Saturday 19 June 2021 at 0:19
Microsoft seem to have removed the links for MSXM - the installer can't get past this part and trying to manually install any version of it breaks the installed game and causes it to give an error like  "msxm version 4.0 was not installed properly") just after the title graphic screen and stops it reaching the menu screen

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