@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Date : (2019-04-27 00-01)
+# Last revision : (2019-04-27 00-01)
+# Wine version used : see below
+# Distribution used to test : Ubuntu 18.04 x64
+# Script licence : GPL3
+# Program licence : Retail
+# Playonlinux v4.3.4
+# Tested : European, 'Gold', 1 CD-ROM. CD version: 'Update3' (Ref: Readme.txt). 'data2.cab': october 2005.
+# Game released with DirectX 9.
+# Known issues :
+# - No musics (because of .WMA format). Note: you may convert them to MP3 then modify the filenames in 'MusicGenre.txt'.
+# - Resolutions availables are only 800x600 and 1024x768 (no 1366x768).
+# - DRM does not always recognize the CD-ROM #1 (see below).
+[ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0
+source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
+TITLE="RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Wild"
+TITLE_BASIC="RollerCoaster Tycoon 3"
+EDITOR="Frontier Developments"
+Set_OS "winxp"
+POL_SetupWindow_SetID 24933
+POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
+POL_SetupWindow_message "Warning: '$TITLE' need to install onto '$TITLE_BASIC' in order to work !.\nThis mean that you must have install '$TITLE_BASIC' first with PlayOnLinux, otherwise please cancel." "$TITLE"
+POL_SetupWindow_message "Choose Overwrite !." "$TITLE"
+POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
+POL_System_SetArch "x86"
+POL_System_TmpCreate "$TITLE"
+# No (.WMA) musics played even with this function :
+# POL_Call POL_Install_DirectShowFiltersFix
+POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "LOCAL,CD"
+if [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" == "LOCAL" ]; then
+ cd "$HOME"
+ POL_SetupWindow_browse "$(eval_gettext 'Please select the setup file to run')" "$TITLE"
+ POL_Wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
+ POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
+ cd "$POL_System_TmpDir"
+ POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
+ POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "RCT3.ico" "RCT3W.DAT"
+ POL_Wine start /unix "$CDROM/setup.exe"
+ POL_Wine_WaitExit "install.exe"
+ cd "$POL_System_TmpDir"
+POL_Shortcut "rct3.exe" "$TITLE" ""
+# Link to the user manual (multi languages) #
+POL_SetupWindow_menu "$(eval_gettext 'Which language version of the game do you have installed ?')" "$TITLE" "DAN~DEU~ENU~ESP~FRA~ITA~NDL~NOR~SUO~SVE" "~"
+POL_Shortcut_Document "$TITLE" "RCT3W_MANUAL_$APP_ANSWER.pdf"
+# About the DRM #
+# Following line not required because the CDs DRM is compatible with Wine 4.0.
+# POL_Call POL_Function_NoCDWarning
+POL_SetupWindow_message "About this game's DRM (anticopy): When launching a game session, the DRM sometimes does not recognize the original CD-ROM #1. Workaround: eject it then reinsert it." "$TITLE"
+exit 0