Warcraft III v1.28.3+


Creator Message


This installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected


Downloads: 387



With 1.28.3, Blizzard added a new common installer and launcher for both Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne.

The old PlayOnLinux scripts do not work for Warcraft III 1.28.3+ (2018).

Source code



Member Message
gargamel Saturday 17 August 2019 at 13:08


This update has been approved by the team.



  • Upgraded wine-3.x to latest staging available.
    (on my side, nothing but wine-3.x staging versions were working -- launching app with standard wine-3.x always ended in app crash.
     I also tried upgrading up to wine-4.x (>=4.11-staging), with no success at all -- launching app with wine-4.x made my entire system freeze)
  • Added automatic download of Warcraft III installer (in case of download failure, POL will ask for a local installer to execute).
  • Disabled Mono installing dialog each time wine was launched (i.e. on POL_Wine_PrefixCreate + POL_Wine calls), as it is useless FMPOV (to be confirmed).
  • Fixed shorcut creation that was initially always linking to x86_64 exe file instead of the x86_32 one (as Bnet installer installs both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the game in "Program Files").
  • Forced a few default values in the script in case one day they have to change.


What works:

  1. The installation process is working well.
  2. At the end of install, clicking on Start/Launch opens one blank "Warcraft III CDKey Required" window:
    WineHQ "Warcraft III CDKey Required" blank window
    (The workaround (found here) is pretty simple: moved the blank window out of bounds of your screen and back into view (which will result in refreshing the content of the window and will allow you to click on whether CD-Key Digital version (and not CD-Key)
    Finally, "Warcraft III CDKey Required" window content is revealed:
    WineHQ "Warcraft III CDKey Required" unblank window
  3. Click on:
    • Enter CD Key: opens a new window in which you can enter your personnal RoC CD Key:
      (I don't know why, but at that stage installer does not accept TFT CDKey...)
      WineHQ "CDKey" window
    • Connect to battle.net: always makes app crash!
      (I did not investigate why...)
  4. That's all folks! After clicking on OK...


What does not work:

  1. The game launch, but always crashes after a few seconds of black screen.
    (AFAIK, it appears to have something to do with the Blizzard's videos displayed at game's startup. I'm currently working on improving the present script to setup the game's WINEPREFIX with DXVK. I have already installed DXVK on my GNU/Linux following that nice tutorial: https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/set-up-dxvk-in-wine-on-linux/. I'm now wondering, what is the best way to execute setup_dxvk.sh script inside my WINE PREFIX... (any help is welcome))


Hope that helps.



New source code


Thursday 30 January 2020 at 23:13
Script approved.
Simoms Thursday 10 May 2018 at 10:52


This update has not been approved yet by the team.
Use it at your own risk


New source code


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