@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Date : (2014-09-13 7-30)
+# Last revision : (2014-09-13 7-30)
+# Wine version used : 1.6.2-dos_support_0.6
+# Distribution used to test : Ubuntu
+# Author : daemonburrito, demonburrito at gmail dot com
+# Script licence : GPL v.2
+# Program licence : Retail
+# Depend :
+[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
+source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
+TITLE="GOG.com - Ultima 4, 5, 6"
+DEVELOPER="Origin Systems / Electronic Arts"
+INSTALL_DIR="Ultima Second Trilogy"
+GAME_DIR1="Ultima 4"
+GAME_DIR2="Ultima 5"
+GAME_DIR3="Ultima 6"
+SHORTCUT_NAME1="Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar (Bundled)"
+SHORTCUT_NAME2="Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny"
+SHORTCUT_NAME3="Ultima 6: The False Prophet"
+POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
+POL_Call POL_GoG_install
+# Global config
+cat <<_EOFCFG_ >> "$WINEPREFIX/playonlinux_dos.cfg"
+[ "$POL_OS" = "Linux" ] && echo "render_scaler=hq2x" >> "$WINEPREFIX/playonlinux_dos.cfg"
+#POL_SetupWindow_wait "Moving game dirs to shortened names" "$TITLE"
+# workaround for shortize bug
+cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/GOG Games/$INSTALL_DIR"
+ln -s "$GAME_DIR1" "$GAME_DIR1_SHORT"
+ln -s "$GAME_DIR2" "$GAME_DIR2_SHORT"
+ln -s "$GAME_DIR3" "$GAME_DIR3_SHORT"
+# Batch file launcher for Ultima 4
+CONFIG -set "sblaster mixer=true"
+CONFIG -set "sblaster oplrate=22050"
+CONFIG -set "mixer prebuffer=10"
+CONFIG -set "mixer rate=22050"
+CONFIG -set "mixer blocksize=2048"
+CONFIG -set "speaker pcrate=22050"
+CONFIG -set "speaker tandyrate=22050"
+CONFIG -set "dos keyboardlayout=none"
+CONFIG -set "joystick buttonwrap=true"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycleup=50"
+CONFIG -set "cpu core=auto"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycles=500"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycledown=50"
+# Batch file launcher for Ultima 5
+CONFIG -set "sblaster oplrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "sblaster sbmixer=true"
+CONFIG -set "sblaster oplemu=default"
+CONFIG -set "mixer prebuffer=20"
+CONFIG -set "mixer rate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "mixer blocksize=1024"
+CONFIG -set "gus ultradir=C:\ULTRASND"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusirq=5"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusbase=240"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusdma=3"
+CONFIG -set "speaker pcrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "speaker tandyrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "sdl mapperfile=mapper.map"
+CONFIG -set "joystick buttonwrap=false"
+CONFIG -set "cpu core=simple"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycleup=500"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycles=5000"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycledown=500"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cputype=386_slow"
+# Batch file launcher for Ultima 6
+CONFIG -set "sblaster oplrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "sblaster sbmixer=true"
+CONFIG -set "sblaster oplemu=default"
+CONFIG -set "mixer prebuffer=20"
+CONFIG -set "mixer rate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "mixer blocksize=1024"
+CONFIG -set "gus ultradir=C:\ULTRASND"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusirq=5"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusbase=240"
+CONFIG -set "gus gusdma=3"
+CONFIG -set "speaker pcrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "speaker tandyrate=44100"
+CONFIG -set "sdl mapperfile=mapper.map"
+CONFIG -set "joystick buttonwrap=false"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycleup=500"
+CONFIG -set "cpu core=simple"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycles=3000"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cycledown=500"
+CONFIG -set "cpu cputype=386_slow"
+POL_Shortcut "GOG Games/$INSTALL_DIR/$GAME_DIR1_SHORT/$BAT1" "$SHORTCUT_NAME1" "$SHORTCUT_NAME1.png" "" "Game;RolePlaying;"
+POL_Shortcut "GOG Games/$INSTALL_DIR/$GAME_DIR2_SHORT/$BAT2" "$SHORTCUT_NAME2" "$SHORTCUT_NAME2.png" "" "Game;RolePlaying;"
+POL_Shortcut "GOG Games/$INSTALL_DIR/$GAME_DIR3_SHORT/$BAT3" "$SHORTCUT_NAME3" "$SHORTCUT_NAME3.png" "" "Game;RolePlaying;"
+exit 0
\ No newline at end of file