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This installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected


Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 22530
Wine: 3.0.3

Retours d'expérience


MMO RPG, 2011. WikipediaWebsite.

Game size: > 18 GB.


Captures d'écran


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Membre Messages
Dadu042 Jeudi 24 September 2020 à 18:42


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Samedi 3 Octobre 2020 à 15:26
Note: game seems to also work with Wine 4.0.4
Dadu042 Jeudi 24 September 2020 à 17:22


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Dadu042 Jeudi 16 Janvier 2020 à 0:01


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terryc Mardi 22 Décembre 2015 à 0:34
terryc Anonymous


Can anyone give me an idea of why this non start error suddenly occurs?

This is my sixth fresh complete reinstall of Rift from the scrip, and they all end up with this non- start situation.[Code]

[12/22/15 10:29:51] - Running wine-1.7.44 GlyphClient.exe (Working directory : /home/terryc/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Rift/drive_c/Program Files/Glyph)
fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x27c0000 0 0x33fcc4 4 stub
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0xf75417, (nil), {f7b697a3-4db5-4d3b-be71-c4d284e6592f}, 7, 0xfcbc8c, (null), (null), 0xfccc90): stub
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {72b14a7d-704c-423e-92f8-7e6d64bcb92a}
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {e2091f8a-1e0a-4731-84a2-0dd57c8a5261}
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {e8a3bf1f-a86b-4390-9c60-5390b969d22c}
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {5727a00f-50be-4519-8256-f7699871fecb}
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {7e854ec7-cdc4-405a-b5b2-aaf7c9e7d40c}
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {79a60dc6-5fc8-4952-a41c-1163aeec5eb8}
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW   register trace class {2718d25b-5bf5-4479-8e88-babc64bdbfca}
fixme:process:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber (0x33fbfc): semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33fdbc 63 ) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:locale__Locimp__Makexloc (0x33fdbc 63 0x159f18 (nil)) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:time_get_char_ctor_locinfo (0x15ba88 0x33fdbc 0) stub
fixme:msvcp:locale__Locimp__Makewloc (0x33fdbc 63 0x159f18 (nil)) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:locale__Locimp__Makeushloc (0x33fdbc 63 0x159f18 (nil)) semi-stub
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33cf7c (nil)): stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:font:RemoveFontMemResourceEx (0x8588b649) stub
fixme:process:GetSystemFirmwareTable (1094930505 1413567059 0x33cf14 36):stub
fixme:process:GetSystemFirmwareTable (1094930505 1128878145 0x33cf14 36):stub
fixme:msvcp:_Mtx_init unknown flags ignorred: 102
fixme:font:RemoveFontMemResourceEx (0x846dac09) stub
GlyphClient::LoadFile error: No such file or directory GlyphClient.xml
GlyphClient::LoadFile error: No such file or directory GlyphClientLocal.xml
GlyphClient::LoadFile error: No such file or directory ./Library/GlyphLibraryLocal.xml




Mercredi 23 Décembre 2015 à 4:08
The work around was to choose another later version of Pol and the game plays, but now I'm bak to chasing flashing and P window being unusable. It was following some of the suggestion earlier in the thread to fix this that I think caused my above post. TIA.
Mel7 Lundi 21 September 2015 à 16:27
Mel7 Anonymous



Le lien sur le bouton "Install this program" ne fonctionne pas. Comment procéder pour installer Rift avec le code source svp ?

Merci d'avance.


(Google traduction)


The link on the "Install this program" button not working. How to install Rift with source code please?

Thank you in advance.


Lundi 21 September 2015 à 23:26
Bonsoir, si tu veux juste installer un programme avec son script "validé", utilises le bouton "Installer" dans PlayOnLinux puis cherche le nom du programme, c'est exactement la même chose. Pour faire fonctionner les boutons "Install this program" du site web et éventuellement essayer des scripts non validés, il faut faire reconnaître les URLs "playonlinux://" par ton navigateur, et que cela lance automatiquement playonlinux-url_handler, ce qui est un peu plus compliqué (et dépend du navigateur). Il y a quelques infos dans le forum il me semble. Mais à nouveau ce n'est strictement nécessaire que pour tester les scripts alternatifs.
Mercredi 23 September 2015 à 12:15
Installation de Rift dans PlayOnLinux comme indiqué par petch. Crash du jeu lors de la sélection du personnage...
Vendredi 25 September 2015 à 21:09
Pas de solution ?
Samedi 26 September 2015 à 7:30
Pas d'infos surtout

Edité par Tinou

terryc Lundi 27 Juillet 2015 à 13:56
terryc Anonymous


For most of July(I've tried it a few times], the installation fails on a checksum of the downloaded installation files for Glyph. Probably the installation file has been changed in a recent upgrade.


Mercredi 29 Juillet 2015 à 5:03
Ignoring the MD5 checksum error and continuing on actually installs glyph and the you can select Rift and download it, then start it.
Mercredi 29 Juillet 2015 à 5:04
This script will not fix problems resulting from an upgrade, so you need to move the old rift aside and do a fresh install.
Mercredi 29 Juillet 2015 à 5:05
Currently screen goes beserk with "planes" and a bit of flashing, plus I have the amd driver warning, despite having the latest amd driver. More investigation.
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 2:13
Is now almost a perfect install. I've just finished a complete re-install and the only problems observed were;
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 2:15
aargh, cont'd.A) The checksum on the download of the glyph installer is "
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 2:16
a) con'td. This can be overcome by just carrying on.
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 2:17
b) The installer places an empty Glyph icon on desktop(links to nothing), and
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 2:20
C) Warning I always have trouble with authentication checksum for new login not being recongised until I completely finish the install and close that down. Then re-launching the game and only then does TG Rift recognise the new authentication code. This of course isn't a problem with the Rift install script, but just an alert for people.
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 2:22
Finally(I keep pressing return and comments takes it as an enter) I actually saw the latest(first) intro video today with my AMD Catalyst driver. In the past, it was a black screen, so if some new library has been added, then perhaps this is the reason.
Mercredi 9 September 2015 à 12:14
hi sorry for the long time without update. I will check it today, hope to correct some problem
Samedi 12 September 2015 à 4:16
Just checking to see has anyone got this working again on Mac? I still get crashes at the loading screen
Samedi 19 September 2015 à 7:45
Version related. It worked frst time on script, but hubg on loading each time after. Eventually swap PoL versions to 1.7.44 and it loads and "works". Caveat performance as I've just lost fingers to really hammer it anymore, but I could interact with npc, zone and hammer a few beasties.
Samedi 24 Octobre 2015 à 15:14
Update on above; frankly I'm finding Trion Games & Rift a mmajor PitA. If I don't play it daily, it refuses to start and I have to change config in some way (Usually PoL version), which causes it to go and download a glyph update and then "re-install" stuff. Thankfully it checks and just loads and update taking hours. not playable until finished.. I have never been able to start the game from the glyphclient link. Mercifully, the starting stuff usually works, even if it seem to hang on 22% or such. It has been a while since I've had to kill rift.exe remotely to regin control of my system.
Jeudi 19 Novembre 2015 à 4:42
Oh well, I'm back to a complete re-install. I've been playing it regularly since last post on 24th October with minor update and no problems until yesterday, when the glyph part just refusted to start. debug shows "missing files" for some reason. Just FYI.
Treki26 Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 23:21
Treki26 Anonymous


The game works well all the way up untill actual gameplay for me. Once the intro cutsene ends the screen starts flickering between the final frame of the cutscene and the starting zone. I can move my charceter around and open menus but the flickering is making the game unplayable.


Jeudi 16 Juillet 2015 à 0:45
Can you please post your full computer specs and debug logs? We are just guessing without that information.

ravery Mercredi 8 Juillet 2015 à 5:32
ravery Anonymous


I would get random lock ups with new udates to Rift. So manually installed following your script, except I used wine ver 1.7.44 and added these additionall dlls as native msvcr120, msvcp110, and msvcp120.

I also had to add registry key ==> HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Wine > Direct3D > CSMT enabled

to fix objects blinking black.

it runs perfectly, can even play while it loads.


Toshiba Satallite C55 series. Celeron dual core, intell graphics, 4G RAM

Dual boot win8.1/kubuntu 14.10 in UEFI secure boot mode.



petch Dimanche 19 Avril 2015 à 22:06


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Set msvcr120 override to native

Install d3dcompiler_43


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Samedi 9 Mai 2015 à 2:14
Add: d3dcompiler_43 how to fix crash in screen to create person.
Samedi 9 Mai 2015 à 2:15
For error trash screen "selection authentication accpted", see: http://www.mameau.com/workaround-for-the-rift-123-selection-authentication-accepted-crash/
Samedi 9 Mai 2015 à 2:15
PS: Sorry my bad english, but I speak portuguese only.
Samedi 9 Mai 2015 à 12:28
I updated the script to install d3dcompiler_43

Edité par petch

jeromerobert Dimanche 19 Avril 2015 à 20:32
jeromerobert Anonymous


Since 3.2, msvcr120 must be set as native to avoid a crash when clicking on any player face. msvcr120 is already included with Rift.


petch Dimanche 19 Avril 2015 à 18:52


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Add xact component


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jeromerobert Dimanche 19 Avril 2015 à 18:40
jeromerobert Anonymous


The game runs well but starting with 3.2 update there is no sound anymore. A workaround is:

winetricks xact_jun2010

Credit: Lynx3d

Original thread: http://forums.riftgame.com/technical-discussions/tech-support/460830-no-sound-crossover-mac-since-patch.html


Achariel Lundi 23 Février 2015 à 22:34
Achariel Anonymous




Problème j'ai une Ubuntu 14.0.4 et quand j'install rift il fige des que le jeu se lance.


Je peux faire la mise à jour et glyph se lance sans problème.


Olies Dimanche 18 Janvier 2015 à 15:46
Olies Anonymous


J'ai voulu lancer le jeu sur mon Mac Book Pro qui tourne sous Yosemite

Le jeu semble cracher dès que le chargement atteind "Selection de l'authentificatin accepté".

Ce qui est dommage car le reste semble plutôt bien marché, de même, la vidéo d'introduction tournait impeccablement mais maintenant en écran noir avec juste le son.




Raiderwolf Jeudi 18 Décembre 2014 à 3:55
Raiderwolf Anonymous


Well, I spoke too soon.  It was working, but now it hangs during loading the game.


Raiderwolf Jeudi 18 Décembre 2014 à 3:09
Raiderwolf Anonymous


I would not say it runs well.  It runs, but my main concern is it is very choppy.  However, it was having problems at launch where was hanging.  But obviously due to Tutul's hard work has made Glyph/Rift runnable.  However, his derogatory and disrepectful avatar against Jesus violates your Terms of Use as being at the minimum a violation of "You must respect basic rules of politeness."  If he wants to demean Jesus, which is what his avatar does, is this the place for it? 


Tutul Jeudi 20 Novembre 2014 à 16:57


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The game can run normally if you set it on low graphic (checkbox in graphic settings). Test on Steam version and no-STeam version.


- Fix Glyph launch crash (Glyph update use msvcr110.dll now)

- Fix new MD5 for installer

- Test smaller script without POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2008 and POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2005 (not used anymore)


Nouveau code source


Edité par Tutul

Tutul Dimanche 9 Novembre 2014 à 21:29


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Add image and fix intro crash


Other problem, see below


Nouveau code source


Tutul Samedi 8 Novembre 2014 à 9:46


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- Fix intro bug and crash

- The game freeze less often


- The game may crash during charactere loading. Two solutions :

-> Restart, after a few restart, the game may start correctly

-> Delete "$WINEPREFIX/Rift/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/RIFT/*" (working on it)

($WINEPREFIX is the "wineprefix" directory in the PlayOnLinux/PlayOnMac directory)


Nouveau code source


Edité par Tutul

Tutul Mardi 4 Novembre 2014 à 11:23


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- Fix graphic bugs (with wine3D registry key)

- Testing in-game but a bit slower


- Intro won't work (sound ok but no video) and still may cause freeze

- Game may crash during launch (after first launch). The only solution until now is to delete "$POL/wineprefix/Rift/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/RIFT/rift.cfg" (working on it)



Nouveau code source


Tutul Lundi 3 Novembre 2014 à 21:35


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- New wine version : 1.7.29 (A little more stable)

- Fix password field font (Glyph update)

- Rewrite of the script (smaller size)

- Add warning about Glyph self update (steam version)


Working on graphic test correction ^^



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Tutul Jeudi 30 Octobre 2014 à 12:27


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Add MD5 checksum for POL_Download + Enventualy prevent crash of the installer by setting wine in xp mod (move after installing mandatory dependencies)


Nouveau code source


Tutul Mardi 28 Octobre 2014 à 15:26


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Add steam version (not tested so not validate)


Nouveau code source


Mercredi 29 Octobre 2014 à 17:05
Steam version work better. Crash if we pass the intro but you can change setting, play in the game. Some Graphic problem but can't determine if is it my option, card or wine compatibility. Standard version not working so well (may fix that with an other wine version but I need to test)
Tutul Mardi 28 Octobre 2014 à 14:47


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First upload of the installation script

- Intro not working and may cause freeze

- You can connect, select a charactere, change setting, etc...

- Second conenction may crash. The only solution until now is to delete "$POL/wineprefix/Rift/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/RIFT/rift.cfg" (working on it)

- Steam version comming soon

- Not tested in game (more than 1 minute)


Nouveau code source


Lundi 3 Novembre 2014 à 22:02
Hello. Thanks for your work. Except for the addressed error according to "$POL/wineprefix/Rift/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/RIFT/rift.cfg", everything looks good on my machine (arch linux 64, nvidia)

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