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Changing shortcuts

Author Replies
lil_stenly Saturday 6 March 2010 at 7:22

If theres any possible wait to improve playonlinux like to improve it with a function in the main menu of the program to change the shortcuts.

export WINEPREFIX="/home/dingolingo/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/SCBW"
export WINEDEBUG="-all"
cd "/home/dingolingo/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/SCBW/drive_c/Program Files/Blizzard Entertainment/StarCraft BroodWar"
wine "/home/dingolingo/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/SCBW/drive_c/Program Files/Blizzard Entertainment/StarCraft BroodWar/LOADER.exe"  $@
I'm playing starcraft at private server and today i stopped playing there there and I need to remove the loader.exe and point the original.exe because to play at and to do that I need to edit the file.

There must be easier way, in the main menu of playonlinux there must have a function to point another exe for the individual program... what you think?

Because for me it's not a problem to edit the file, still if is someone that is new to linux he will not know how to change the exe of already installed program.

Dr Phil Saturday 6 March 2010 at 12:27
Dr Phil

I agree, but there is a plugin for that feature already. Take a look at POL Helper. But, I agree. This feature should really be built-in.
Quentin PÂRIS Sunday 7 March 2010 at 14:09
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

- Possiblity to make POL prefix (/home/.PlayOnLinux) by making POLPREFIX variable (exactly like wine)

It would permit to change PlayOnLinux default installation folder (This default folder would be written in $HOME/.PlayOnLinux.cfg)

Maltahl Monday 20 October 2014 at 18:06

Bumping cause this is STILL NOT THERE!

petch Monday 20 October 2014 at 19:42

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 21 October 2014 at 1:12


Bumping cause this is STILL NOT THERE!


As stated above, use a symlink. Also, no need to be rude. ALL CAPS and exclamation points are considered yelling. Keep it cool... 

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