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modified PlayOnLinux (3.7)

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Berillions Monday 5 October 2009 at 21:50

I know why there is a problem. Frugalware-current has now gnome 2.28 and I think that there is a problem of icones for the moment. It's probably a bug. :)

I try to Ubuntu in VirtualBox and it's good, so...

Edited by Berillions

NSLW Monday 5 October 2009 at 21:55

If you use generic package on Frugalware then you should also have ImageMagick installed.

Edited by NSLW

Berillions Tuesday 6 October 2009 at 10:20

It's very strange because ImageMagick installed....
i will try again this afternoon with Ubuntu...

I don't like when it doesn't work...

NSLW Wednesday 7 October 2009 at 11:43

a lot of sentances are not translated

Quote from Tinou

What sentences are not translated and used in PlayOnLinux?

BTW. I modified PlayOnLinux. List of changes

1) POL limits time to wait till it detects that connection to e.g. PlayOnLinux wine repository isn't available.

2) POL downloads Wine from other sources so it doesn't cause script to hang when POL_SetupWindow_install_wine is invoked (required: rpm2cpio, cpio, lzma)

3) If download fail, POL will ask if user wants to continue

4) fixed bug in Wine versions menu

5) Fixed languages

Here are the files with PlayOnLinux-3.7-2

Edited by NSLW

NSLW Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 16:02

1) POL limits time to wait till it detects that connection to e.g. PlayOnLinux wine repository isn't available.

2) POL downloads Wine from other sources so it doesn't cause script to hang when POL_SetupWindow_install_wine is invoked (required: rpm2cpio, cpio, lzma)

3) If download fail, POL will ask if user wants to continue

4) fixed bug in Wine versions menu

5) Fixed languages

6) Added posibility to download wine from other sources (Ubuntu, SUSE, Mandriva, Slackware) in Manage wine versions (required: rpm2cpio, cpio, lzma)

download PlayOnLinux 3.7-3

Edited by NSLW

Quentin PÂRIS Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 18:40
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Nice job but it is impossible to make your version official because POL must have the same behavior for all the distributions
NSLW Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 19:05

Nice job but it is impossible to make your version official because POL must have the same behavior for all the distributions

Quote from Tinou

Will the different version break this? Wines from all repos works for me so it will work on others distributions too.
Second thing is that it's good to have others repositories when playonlinux server isn't available. I meant to create additional source and not main source of Wine versions.
Quentin PÂRIS Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 19:14
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

The binaries are not the same. So you need differents libraries to run one wine version to another. For exemple Ubuntu's one will not work with some rpm based distribution that does not include the same version of libc6

For the second thing, now, wineversion and the website are on the same server, so problemes should no longer appear. Anyway if wineversion server is down, all the website will be down, so it's a bigger problem.
NSLW Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 19:56

For exemple Ubuntu's one will not work with some rpm based distribution that does not include the same version of libc6

Quote from Tinou

Doesn't the same applies to PlayOnLinux wine packages?
Quentin PÂRIS Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 20:51
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Nope. MulX had compiled them to work with most of the distros
NSLW Wednesday 14 October 2009 at 20:58

On which distribution are PlayOnLinux Wines compiled?
Aymeric P. Thursday 15 October 2009 at 19:18
Aymeric P.


By reading the code, I understand a bit more how you do.

The idea is good, but :
not all release exist for each distribution (e.g. wine 1.1.29 is absent for SlackWare)
It's impossible to know if the Wine version from Mandriva work on Suse. (and nothing certify that a Mandriva user select the package for the good release (I'm sure that package made for MDV 2008.1 work on 2008.0 (library version))

Currently package that I made was compiled for work on all distribution released since November 2005 (I can't be exactly sure, but all release published since 2006 will cover the majority of distribution currently used in the world).

I don't like the idea of parsing HTML page's from SF; SF can change something witch break everything.
For information :
- the Debian package don't have the same method of compression, (newer use lzma older bzip2 and more older gzip).
- rpm2cpio don't exist on Debian.
- Some server that offer bandwidth for SF don't have some project (I don't know why but it's like that)

Additional using different version of Wine for every user will increase the number a problem.

Otherwise distribution used for compilation is Debian Etch, even if the publication date was in April 2007, the core of library (e.g. libc6) for this distribution was the same since 2006 (freeze date).

Read here, this a sample of bug that we can get by mixing Wine from different distribution.

To be more useful offer a mirror server, but as say Tinou if Wine repository is offline, POL Website also so it's a major problem and everything will be done to fix it.

Edited by MulX

Former member.
NSLW Thursday 15 October 2009 at 19:55

not all release exist for each distribution (e.g. wine 1.1.29 is absent for SlackWare)

Quote from MulX

Wine 1.1.29 for Slackware is at

It's impossible to know if the Wine version from Mandriva work on Suse. (and nothing certify that a Mandriva user select the package for the good release (I'm sure that package made for MDV 2008.1 work on 2008.0 (library version))

Quote from MulX

Yes, it's true, but any of this versions aren't installed without user allowance.

- the Debian package don't have the same method of compression, (newer use lzma older bzip2 and more older gzip).

Quote from MulX

This could be easily fixed.

Additional using different version of Wine for every user will increase the number a problem.

Quote from MulX

Yes, but there could be messages before installation that warn user about that.

To be more useful offer a mirror server

Quote from MulX

I would if i could

as say Tinou if Wine repository is offline, POL Website also so it's a major problem and everything will be done to fix it.

Quote from MulX

So now I must admit that it seems useles to have mirror for Wine versions.
Aymeric P. Thursday 15 October 2009 at 21:41
Aymeric P.

not all release exist for each distribution (e.g. wine 1.1.29 is absent for SlackWare)

Quote from NSLW

Wine 1.1.29 for Slackware is at

Quote from MulX

Yep I want to say 1.1.27

Additional using different version of Wine for every user will increase the number a problem.

Quote from NSLW

Yes, but there could be messages before installation that warn user about that.

Quote from MulX

Most of user don't read message (even warning message), or read and forget when they click next.

So now I must admit that it seems useles to have mirror for Wine versions.

Quote from NSLW

I can explain exactly what happen for the downtime, but It's a long story who start in the beginning of 2008 and to avoid off-topic I will not say it here.

Former member.
Duskao Friday 23 October 2009 at 6:03

How can I get that WineTricks Plugin? I have been trying to download it for over an hour, the speedyshare links aren't coming up. Is there a way you can upload the plugin to somewhere else? This is truly annoying. Please.
NSLW Friday 23 October 2009 at 7:50

I know that speedyshare was unavailable yesterday but it's available now, and it's relatively easy to download from there because there isn't many ads and no waiting times.


Link to WineTricks Plugin

Install it like other plugins

Edited by NSLW

Duskao Friday 23 October 2009 at 22:04

Thanks NSLW, your my hero. I guess I have just had bad luck, I have tried it numerous times in the past couple months with no avail, but today it worked fine. Thanks agian.
Quentin PÂRIS Saturday 24 October 2009 at 11:34
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

I have to test wine tricks plugin before it becomes official

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