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[Script] Perfect World International

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Ghostofkendo Saturday 6 June 2009 at 23:19


Here's a script for the free to play MMORPG Perfect World International and here are the test conditions:
Wine version: 1.1.22
Distribution: Linux Mint
Distribution Version: 7 (Gloria, 32 bits)
Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT
Driver of the graphic card: 180.44
- Applying the update patches when running the game for the first time is very long (to my mind, it's because of the server being in asia).
- I didn't need to install DirectX 9 or to change registry keys to make it work, just to install the Microsoft fonts to make the texts readable.
- I didn't manage to change the key bindings (it could be problematic for non-qwerty keymaps).

Please test this script and tell me if it worked or not, I'll modify it if necessary.
When there will be positive test results, I'll be able to validate it and it will be officially available in POL.

EDIT: Since displaying the code of the script here was distorting the forum, I removed it. You can find it HERE instead. (the file's encoding is UTF-8)

Edited by Ghostofkendo

NSLW Sunday 7 June 2009 at 12:43

i've got a question:
Do this work?
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "FALSE" ]; then
I mean: shouldn't there be double "=" so it would looks like
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "FALSE" ]; then
Ghostofkendo Sunday 7 June 2009 at 19:48

Do this work?
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "FALSE" ]; then
I mean: shouldn't there be double "=" so it would looks like
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "FALSE" ]; then

Quote from NSLW
Yes, it also works with only one "=" character.
Moreover, using only one "=" seems to be the usual way of doing a test in Bash because all the Bash programming guides I found show examples of tests with one "=" (like this famous guide).

Bye ;-)
NSLW Sunday 7 June 2009 at 20:07

Ok. Thanks for an answer, but i've got another question:
Would your script work on e.g. Jojonintendo's Linux? I mean this part of your script

POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "$GAME_PREFIX" "Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Perfect World International/patcher" "patcher.exe" "" "$GAME_NAME" "" ""

You assumed everyone on the world has got Program Files but it's not a fact. I suggest to look how i did it here

Edited by NSLW

Ghostofkendo Sunday 7 June 2009 at 20:44

Ok. Thanks for an answer

Quote from NSLW
Your welcome ;-)

Would your script work on e.g. Jojonintendo's Linux? I mean this part of your script

POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "$GAME_PREFIX" "Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Perfect World International/patcher" "patcher.exe" "" "$GAME_NAME" "" ""

You assumed everyone on the world has got Program Files but it's not a fact. I suggest to look how i did it here

Quote from NSLW
My turn now to thank you for this very useful tip :D
However, before it edit the script to add this, I've got a question too:
The following line works great
PROGRAMFILES=`wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"`
but the next one doesn't. For me, the PROGRAMFILES variable contains "e cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"" instead of "Program Files" after running
Is it normal?


PS: By the way, I didn't notice until now that you've made a script for CATIA, I'm very impressed. :-° Does it run well?
NSLW Sunday 7 June 2009 at 21:11

My turn now to thank you for this very useful tip :D

Quote from Ghostofkendo

You're also welcome :)

The following line works great

PROGRAMFILES=`wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"`

Quote from Ghostofkendo
So this line gives you
wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"
and it should give you
C:/Program Files
(there should be backslash instead of slash)

For me, the PROGRAMFILES variable contains "e cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"" instead of "Program Files" after running

Is it normal?

Quote from Ghostofkendo

No it's not normal it should give you
Program Files

Are you sure you tested it carefully. It works for me you can see similar example here(10.5) They also using such quotes ' <- here is quote sign. Without them you would get such output as you posted

Maybe it's because of bash version. I use
GNU bash, version 3.2.39(1)-release

PS: By the way, I didn't notice until now that you've made a script for CATIA, I'm very impressed. :-° Does it run well?

Quote from Ghostofkendo

Yes it does run quite well. I didn't made any news because I think there aren't many peoples interested.
Ghostofkendo Monday 8 June 2009 at 11:45

Are you sure you tested it carefully. It works for me you can see similar example here(10.5) They also using such quotes ' <- here is quote sign. Without them you would get such output as you posted

Quote from NSLW
You are right, I didn't read carefully enough: I used simple quote characters ( ' ) instead of grave accent characters ( ` ) pinch:

Now that it works, I updated the script ;-)
Jojonintendo Monday 8 June 2009 at 14:16

What happened with me ? :D
I do have the "Program File" directory ;-), but sure it is useful to correct it for other users.

Thanks again for the srcipt, for now on it worked on my PC, but not on my laptop... I think my ATI GPU is the problem.
Ghostofkendo Monday 8 June 2009 at 14:21

Thank you Jojonintendo for the report. :)

Thanks again for the srcipt, for now on it worked on my PC, but not on my laptop... I think my ATI GPU is the problem.

Quote from Jojonintendo
Could you give more details about the issue with your laptop please?
Jojonintendo Monday 8 June 2009 at 21:25

Well, the update worked nice. The problem started when creating a character. It was displayed good, but with a strange bug that made the head of the character very long (out of the screen). And when I try to connect, it just doesn't work at all, it gets frozen and nothing more. I tried to use DirectX, but it is exactly the same.
Ghostofkendo Monday 8 June 2009 at 22:57

Ok, so could you try to assign Wine 1.1.5 to PW to see if it solves your bug.

If not, assign back Wine 1.1.22 and do the registry changes indicated in this page, after the video.

Finally, if nothing above improved PW's behaviour, try to install DirectX 9 with winetricks (via NSLW's POL Helper).
NSLW Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 7:47

try to install DirectX 9 with winetricks (via NSLW's POL Helper).

Quote from Ghostofkendo

Thanks for advising my plugin :) but it's not required to do DirectX 9 installation.
I rewrote script for installing DirectX it's called DirectX End-User Runtimes and it is in Other section and i advise to use this, because you can choose which version of DirectX user wishes to install.
Jojonintendo Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 14:03

Hi again,

I tried to apply Wine 1.1.5, but I couldn't see the mouse, and the game got frozen just after. I tried with Wine 1.1.22 and the registry changes, but the problem is the same (i finally could take a shot):

Now NSLW I'll try your installation script of DirectX, and report back :)

Edit: I have a problem when installing DirectX, after the install is finished, I press the contunue button, and nothing happens... So I kill the process, and then POL gives me an error, and recommends me to retry the installation :-/

Edited by Jojonintendo

NSLW Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 15:45

POL gives me an error, and recommends me to retry the installation :-/

Quote from Jojonintendo

Your DirectX didn't download successfully and i didn't add force option for removal of this corrupted DirectX :-° Anyhow delete anything that has directx in it in "~/.winetrickscache" directory and try again.
Jojonintendo Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 16:20

Actually, there is nothing in the ~/.winetrickscache directory. I'll try to install some other version of DirectX.
NSLW Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 16:29

Edit: I have a problem when installing DirectX, after the install is finished

Quote from Jojonintendo

there is nothing in the ~/.winetrickscache directory

Quote from Jojonintendo

These two sentences are contradiction. If you finished DirectX installation then DirectX was downloaded to "~/.winetrickscache" and started from there. Script doesn't delete this file so you don't have to download it twice. What message do you get exactly?
Jojonintendo Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 17:49

I think a shot is the best way to explain it well :). I thought it was installed, but as you say, it's impossible... I get this and then the window won't quit:

So it seems to be installed, but as nothing happens, I kill the process, and then there is nothing in the directory (there is one directx thing only during the installation).

Edited by Jojonintendo

NSLW Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 17:56

This script fired up DirectX installation. Now you have to click Suivant to continue directx installation.
Jojonintendo Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 18:03

That is just the problem ^^. I press Suivant and nothing happens at all.
NSLW Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 18:17

That is just the problem ^^. I press Suivant and nothing happens at all.

Quote from Jojonintendo

:^^: I understand now
It's may be because your default Wine is 1.0.1 (installed in OS) and this version may have problems with DirectX installing. The solution would be to use earlier DirectX or to use newer Wine to do so set "1.1.23" value "Default Wine Version to run wine programs with PlayOnLinux" in Settings->Environment

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