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Prince of Persia 2008

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marieuh Friday 12 December 2008 at 1:27

Wine version: 1.1.10
Distribution: Debian
Distribution version: Lenny X86_64 (Testing)
Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce 7800GS (512 Mo version)
Graphics card driver: 177.82
- Textures should be set to Low in order for the game to work.
- You should uncheck HD textures.
- Shadows are slightly misplaced depending on the angle of the camera and light (that is certainly due to the use of the pbuffer mode as Wine's rendering engine which is necessary for the game to work).
- The texture level seems more affected by effects (such as shadows, light effects and the like) than by the characters or backgrounds.

Have a good game

By the necessary evil GNU_Raziel

Edited by Salvatos

If there is a problem, fill out complaint form and place it in an envelope addressed to the name of the hospital in which you were born....
Montblanc Saturday 13 December 2008 at 16:30

First of all I want to thank you for this awesome software.
I'm having an issue with this game: installation and launcher work, but when i try to start the game I just get a black screen. I'm using Kubuntu Intrepid with latest fglrx drivers from repo and got an Ati radeon X800 GTO² video card. Rendering is already set to pbuffer and video memory is correct. Please, help me run this game! I'm attaching the backtrace, if it can be of any help. Thank you in advance and keep up the good work!

Running Prince Of Persia 2008
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address (nil) (thread 002d), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x00000000).
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
EIP:00000000 ESP:7d76ffb0 EBP:7d7700ec EFLAGS:00010246( - 00 -RIZP1)
EAX:7e866e00 EBX:7e865ff4 ECX:11996560 EDX:00000418
ESI:00000001 EDI:0000004b
Stack dump:
0x7d76ffb0: 7e77e89c 00000418 00000001 000005a0
0x7d76ffc0: 00000384 00000000 00000001 7d770324
0x7d76ffd0: 7bc44421 7e865ff4 7e85e780 7d77002c
0x7d76ffe0: 7e82626d 11996038 bfc28f68 7d77004c
0x7d76fff0: 7bc45783 00000510 7bc45783 00000028
0x7d770000: 7e8252fe 00000000 7e85e7e0 7d77033c
=>1 0x00000000 (0x7d7700ec)
2 0x7e780974 in wined3d (+0x20974) (0x7d77014c)
3 0x7e780ab0 ActivateContext+0x60() in wined3d (0x7d77044c)
4 0x7e798d9f IWineD3DDeviceImpl_ClearSurface+0x7f() in wined3d (0x7d77056c)
5 0x7e799dd0 in wined3d (+0x39dd0) (0x7d7705cc)
6 0x7e88037d in d3d9 (+0x1037d) (0x7d7705fc)
7 0x004802bf in prince of persia (+0x802bf) (0x00000000)
0x00000000: addb %al,0x0(%eax)
Module Address Debug info Name (110 modules)
PE 340000- 356000 Deferred xinput1_3
PE 400000- 1100000 Export prince of persia
PE 1100000- 14c8000 Deferred d3dx9_39
PE 10000000-1001f000 Deferred eax
PE 18000000-18038000 Deferred binkw32
ELF 7b800000-7b940000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b820000-7b940000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcac000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc10000-7bcac000 \ ntdll
ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader>
ELF 7c204000-7d3c7000 Deferred
ELF 7d3c7000-7d43f000 Deferred
ELF 7dbac000-7dbaf000 Deferred
ELF 7dbaf000-7dbb5000 Deferred
ELF 7dbb5000-7dbb8000 Deferred
ELF 7dbd0000-7dbdf000 Deferred
ELF 7dbf7000-7dc8c000 Deferred opengl32<elf>
\-PE 7dc10000-7dc8c000 \ opengl32
ELF 7ddce000-7ddf7000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
\-PE 7ddd0000-7ddf7000 \ msacm32
ELF 7ddf7000-7de10000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
\-PE 7de00000-7de10000 \ msacm32
ELF 7de10000-7de19000 Deferred
ELF 7de19000-7dee1000 Deferred
ELF 7dee1000-7df18000 Deferred winealsa<elf>
\-PE 7def0000-7df18000 \ winealsa
ELF 7df7d000-7dfb0000 Deferred uxtheme<elf>
\-PE 7df80000-7dfb0000 \ uxtheme
ELF 7dfb0000-7dfb9000 Deferred
ELF 7dfb9000-7dfbe000 Deferred
ELF 7dfbe000-7dfc2000 Deferred
ELF 7dfc2000-7dfc9000 Deferred
ELF 7dfc9000-7dfd3000 Deferred
ELF 7dfd3000-7dfd9000 Deferred
ELF 7dfd9000-7dfdc000 Deferred
ELF 7dfdc000-7dffd000 Deferred imm32<elf>
\-PE 7dfe0000-7dffd000 \ imm32
ELF 7dffd000-7e002000 Deferred
ELF 7e002000-7e01b000 Deferred
ELF 7e01b000-7e10a000 Deferred
ELF 7e10a000-7e119000 Deferred
ELF 7e119000-7e131000 Deferred
ELF 7e131000-7e13a000 Deferred
ELF 7e13d000-7e152000 Deferred midimap<elf>
\-PE 7e140000-7e152000 \ midimap
ELF 7e152000-7e1ee000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 7e160000-7e1ee000 \ winex11
ELF 7e216000-7e23d000 Deferred
ELF 7e23d000-7e26a000 Deferred
ELF 7e26a000-7e280000 Deferred
ELF 7e280000-7e2f6000 Deferred
ELF 7e2f6000-7e2f9000 Deferred
ELF 7e30e000-7e35a000 Deferred dsound<elf>
\-PE 7e320000-7e35a000 \ dsound
ELF 7e35a000-7e485000 Deferred shell32<elf>
\-PE 7e370000-7e485000 \ shell32
ELF 7e485000-7e4e2000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
\-PE 7e490000-7e4e2000 \ shlwapi
ELF 7e4e2000-7e505000 Deferred mpr<elf>
\-PE 7e4f0000-7e505000 \ mpr
ELF 7e505000-7e556000 Deferred wininet<elf>
\-PE 7e510000-7e556000 \ wininet
ELF 7e556000-7e5ea000 Deferred winmm<elf>
\-PE 7e560000-7e5ea000 \ winmm
ELF 7e5ea000-7e605000 Deferred version<elf>
\-PE 7e5f0000-7e605000 \ version
ELF 7e605000-7e66f000 Deferred setupapi<elf>
\-PE 7e610000-7e66f000 \ setupapi
ELF 7e66f000-7e6a7000 Deferred dinput<elf>
\-PE 7e680000-7e6a7000 \ dinput
ELF 7e6a7000-7e6c1000 Deferred dinput8<elf>
\-PE 7e6b0000-7e6c1000 \ dinput8
ELF 7e6c1000-7e72e000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 7e6d0000-7e72e000 \ msvcrt
ELF 7e747000-7e868000 Export wined3d<elf>
\-PE 7e760000-7e868000 \ wined3d
ELF 7e868000-7e899000 Export d3d9<elf>
\-PE 7e870000-7e899000 \ d3d9
ELF 7e899000-7e960000 Deferred comctl32<elf>
\-PE 7e8a0000-7e960000 \ comctl32
ELF 7e960000-7e98d000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
\-PE 7e970000-7e98d000 \ ws2_32
ELF 7e98d000-7ea79000 Deferred oleaut32<elf>
\-PE 7e9a0000-7ea79000 \ oleaut32
ELF 7ea79000-7ea8d000 Deferred
ELF 7ea8d000-7eaad000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
\-PE 7ea90000-7eaad000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 7eaad000-7eb14000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
\-PE 7eac0000-7eb14000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 7eb14000-7ec25000 Deferred ole32<elf>
\-PE 7eb30000-7ec25000 \ ole32
ELF 7ec25000-7ec7a000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 7ec30000-7ec7a000 \ advapi32
ELF 7ec7a000-7ed1a000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 7ec90000-7ed1a000 \ gdi32
ELF 7ed1a000-7ee68000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 7ed30000-7ee68000 \ user32
ELF 7ee68000-7ee81000 Deferred
ELF 7ee81000-7ee8a000 Deferred
ELF 7ee8a000-7ee8d000 Deferred
ELF 7ee8d000-7eea2000 Deferred lz32<elf>
\-PE 7ee90000-7eea2000 \ lz32
ELF 7efc2000-7efe8000 Deferred
ELF 7efe9000-7eff5000 Deferred
ELF 7eff5000-7f000000 Deferred
ELF b7cd6000-b7cda000 Deferred
ELF b7cda000-b7e38000 Deferred
ELF b7e38000-b7e51000 Deferred
ELF b7e6a000-b7fa1000 Deferred
ELF b7fa3000-b7fc0000 Deferred
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000014 0
00000013 0
00000012 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000016 0
00000015 0
00000011 0
00000010 0
00000018 0
00000027 (D) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Prince of Persia\Prince of Persia.exe
00000033 0
00000032 1
00000031 15
00000030 0
0000002f 0
0000002e -1
0000002d -1 <==
0000002c 0
0000002b 0
0000002a 0
00000029 1
00000028 0
=>1 0x00000000 (0x7d7700ec)
2 0x7e780974 in wined3d (+0x20974) (0x7d77014c)
3 0x7e780ab0 ActivateContext+0x60() in wined3d (0x7d77044c)
4 0x7e798d9f IWineD3DDeviceImpl_ClearSurface+0x7f() in wined3d (0x7d77056c)
5 0x7e799dd0 in wined3d (+0x39dd0) (0x7d7705cc)
6 0x7e88037d in d3d9 (+0x1037d) (0x7d7705fc)
7 0x004802bf in prince of persia (+0x802bf) (0x00000000)
Montblanc Saturday 13 December 2008 at 16:36

Just forgot to mention I had to change installation dir to C:\Program Files instead of C:\Programmi (italian default path), otherwise PoL couldn't have read the game folder. Could it be 'cause it tries to access other dependencies from C:\Program Files which I have defaulted to C:\Programmi? Or is it cause I've got an Ati card and this game requires an nVidia card to work under wine?
GNU_Raziel Saturday 13 December 2008 at 20:03

We made Wine set "Program Files" as the default folder to avoid translation problems while installing.

Then ensure you use the newest wine release (1.1.10 as I wrote), the last FGLRX driver (ATI) aviable and test again.

But unfortunatly for you, ATI linux driver is crap, so it's probably the main problem and we cannot do anything...

You can post a bug report at appdb website, i've opened a Test page for Prince Of Persia 2008 (search it in "action game" section if it's not already referenced in the search engine).
Montblanc Saturday 13 December 2008 at 20:58

Thank you for your reply, GNU_Raziel! I saw that page in the appdb before getting PoL, and noticed the default settings for PoP 2008 in PlayOnLinux were the same (so it was you... :P)! I could open a bug report, but on Ati developers' head -_-. I googled a bit for similar problems and noticed that black screens often happen to Ati owners. Maybe you've just given me a nice idea about what buying for christmas!
Thank you again and keep on rockin! ;)
GNU_Raziel Saturday 13 December 2008 at 22:56

I forgot to mention : did you set the Textures level to Low as I wrote in the test thread ? If not, do it, all other setting give black screen when you launch the game (even for Nvidia owners)

Edited by GNU_Raziel

Montblanc Sunday 14 December 2008 at 0:12

Thank you, I did all the necessary to make it work (disabled HD textures too and manually upgraded the fglrx drivers) and discovered something funny: the game runs in fbo mode, while pbuffer gives me a black screen. Intro screen and movies are fine, but gameplay is choppy and misses many layers (obviously). I'll buy an nVidia card as soon as possible, anyway, I just got bored of all this troubles with Ati cards.
Thank you very much again for your support, I really appreciated it.
GNU_Raziel Sunday 14 December 2008 at 0:19

Yes fbo mode is not a good choice for this game...with nvidia card it give a far too overbright game (you cannot see anything without huging it) and very low framerate.

Buying an nvidia card is a smart choice if you wanna play under linux anyway ^^
Montblanc Sunday 14 December 2008 at 0:50

gerg Monday 15 December 2008 at 0:50

Hi all!

My english is bad ˇˇ I speak German only : (

I use Ubuntu 8.4.1 Hardy, and PlayonLinux 3.2.2

I have a problem with the game!

A picture is here:

What is the problem?

Thank you

Edited by gerg

GNU_Raziel Monday 15 December 2008 at 9:02

check your graphic driver (be sure to use the newest one) and check also the minimum requirement for this game, I already saw this kind of bugs with unsupported (too old) graphic cards.

Actually this game work well only with Nvidia cards (GF 6 to 9 and GTX2xx series), if you have ATI or Intel GMA card you cannot play PoP 2008 with wine.
gerg Monday 15 December 2008 at 11:20

check your graphic driver (be sure to use the newest one) and check also the minimum requirement for this game, I already saw this kind of bugs with unsupported (too old) graphic cards.

Actually this game work well only with Nvidia cards (GF 6 to 9 and GTX2xx series), if you have ATI or Intel GMA card you cannot play PoP 2008 with wine.

Quote from GNU_Raziel

a-a. A haven't got a problem with the graphic driver and the minimum requirement.
I have Nvidia Gforce 7600 GT, 4 GB RAM (In Playonlinux 2 GB), Dual core 4.20 Ghz. Shader Model and DirectX 9 are ok!

I don't know what is the problem...
GNU_Raziel Monday 15 December 2008 at 11:28

then check if you use the 177.82 nvidia driver, it may be a problem with an older version of the driver.
vegittoss15 Wednesday 17 December 2008 at 13:38

I can't get it running under 177.80 drivers. I have copied over d3dx9_39.dll and xinput1_3.dll from my windows install and added the dll override for each of them.


$ wine Prince\ of\ Persia.exe
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} could be created for context 0 x1
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {4590f811-1d3a-11d0-891f-00aa004b2e24} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {4590f811-1d3a-11d0-891f-00aa004b2e24} could be created for context 0 x1
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps OpenGL implementation supports 32 vertex samplers and 32 total samplers
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps Expected vertex samplers + MAX_TEXTURES(=8) > combined_samplers
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32a338,0x00000000), stub!
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R16F
err:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt Unable to check compatibility for Format=WINED3DFMT_ R16F
fixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x206ea0,0x207638): stub
fixme:d3d:apply_draw_buffer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x502) from glDrawBuffer() @ context.c / 1 458
fixme:d3d:argb_to_fmt Add a COLORFILL conversion for format WINED3DFMT_R32F
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R32F
err:d3d:WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat Unable to get color bits for format WINED3DFMT_R32F (0x72)!
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_R32F
err:d3d:WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat Unable to get color bits for format WINED3DFMT_R32F (0x72)!
err:d3d:CreateContext Unable to locate a pixel format for a pbuffer
err:d3d:FindContext Failed to create a buffer context and drawable, falling back to back buffer offscreen rend ering
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xfa331dd4 at address 0x7e831924 (thread 0043), starting debugger ...
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0xfa331dd4 in 32-bit code (0x7e831924).
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
EIP:7e831924 ESP:7d607eb8 EBP:7d607ee0 EFLAGS:00010202( - 00 - -RI1)
EAX:7e880ff4 EBX:7e880ff4 ECX:7d6a1880 EDX:0014be38
ESI:11469018 EDI:11469018
Stack dump:
0x7d607eb8: 000084e0 7d607ed4 0014be38 7d607f04
0x7d607ec8: b7d1d7e4 7d6093b7 0014a208 7e880ff4
0x7d607ed8: 7e880ff4 0014be38 7d608000 7e83b0a8
0x7d607ee8: 11469018 00000001 00000001 7d607fec
0x7d607ef8: 7d607fe8 7d607fe4 7d607fe0 7d607fdc
0x7d607f08: 00000000 7e857d38 7d6080c8 7d608fcc
=>1 0x7e831924 in wined3d (+0xc1924) (0x7d607ee0)
2 0x7e83b0a8 in wined3d (+0xcb0a8) (0x7d608000)
3 0x7e82e5f8 in wined3d (+0xbe5f8) (0x7d608030)
4 0x7e840da4 in wined3d (+0xd0da4) (0x7d608070)
5 0x7e83168c in wined3d (+0xc168c) (0x7d6080b0)
6 0x7e79b64e in wined3d (+0x2b64e) (0x7d608110)
7 0x7e79bab0 ActivateContext+0x60() in wined3d (0x7d608410)
8 0x7e7acb94 in wined3d (+0x3cb94) (0x7d608440)
9 0x7e89b67a in d3d9 (+0xb67a) (0x7d608470)
10 0x0048bd87 in prince of persia (+0x8bd87) (0x7d6084d4)
11 0x004aa378 in prince of persia (+0xaa378) (0x00000001)
12 0x00000000 (0x00000000)
0x7e831924: movl 0xfffe1fcc(%edx,%eax,4),%eax
Module Address Debug info Name (107 modules)
PE 330000- 346000 Deferred xinput1_3
PE 400000- 1100000 Export prince of persia
PE 1100000- 14c8000 Deferred d3dx9_39
PE 10000000-1001f000 Deferred eax
PE 18000000-18038000 Deferred binkw32
ELF 7b800000-7b940000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b820000-7b940000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcac000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc10000-7bcac000 \ ntdll
ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader>
ELF 7c4a7000-7d219000 Deferred
ELF 7d219000-7d2bc000 Deferred
ELF 7d60a000-7d6a6000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 7d620000-7d6a6000 \ winex11
ELF 7d945000-7d9da000 Deferred opengl32<elf>
\-PE 7d960000-7d9da000 \ opengl32
ELF 7de4b000-7de60000 Deferred midimap<elf>
\-PE 7de50000-7de60000 \ midimap
ELF 7de60000-7de89000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
\-PE 7de70000-7de89000 \ msacm32
ELF 7de89000-7de92000 Deferred
ELF 7de92000-7df5a000 Deferred
ELF 7df5c000-7df75000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
\-PE 7df60000-7df75000 \ msacm32
ELF 7df75000-7dfac000 Deferred winealsa<elf>
\-PE 7df80000-7dfac000 \ winealsa
ELF 7dff8000-7e02b000 Deferred uxtheme<elf>
\-PE 7e000000-7e02b000 \ uxtheme
ELF 7e02b000-7e034000 Deferred
ELF 7e034000-7e039000 Deferred
ELF 7e039000-7e03d000 Deferred
ELF 7e03d000-7e044000 Deferred
ELF 7e044000-7e04e000 Deferred
ELF 7e04e000-7e054000 Deferred
ELF 7e054000-7e057000 Deferred
ELF 7e057000-7e078000 Deferred imm32<elf>
\-PE 7e060000-7e078000 \ imm32
ELF 7e078000-7e07d000 Deferred
ELF 7e07d000-7e096000 Deferred
ELF 7e096000-7e099000 Deferred
ELF 7e099000-7e188000 Deferred
ELF 7e188000-7e197000 Deferred
ELF 7e197000-7e1af000 Deferred
ELF 7e1af000-7e1b8000 Deferred
ELF 7e1be000-7e1c0000 Deferred
ELF 7e232000-7e259000 Deferred
ELF 7e259000-7e286000 Deferred
ELF 7e286000-7e29c000 Deferred
ELF 7e29c000-7e312000 Deferred
ELF 7e314000-7e317000 Deferred
ELF 7e32d000-7e379000 Deferred dsound<elf>
\-PE 7e330000-7e379000 \ dsound
ELF 7e379000-7e4a4000 Deferred shell32<elf>
\-PE 7e390000-7e4a4000 \ shell32
ELF 7e4a4000-7e501000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
\-PE 7e4b0000-7e501000 \ shlwapi
ELF 7e501000-7e524000 Deferred mpr<elf>
\-PE 7e510000-7e524000 \ mpr
ELF 7e524000-7e575000 Deferred wininet<elf>
\-PE 7e530000-7e575000 \ wininet
ELF 7e575000-7e609000 Deferred winmm<elf>
\-PE 7e580000-7e609000 \ winmm
ELF 7e609000-7e61e000 Deferred lz32<elf>
\-PE 7e610000-7e61e000 \ lz32
ELF 7e61e000-7e639000 Deferred version<elf>
\-PE 7e620000-7e639000 \ version
ELF 7e639000-7e6a3000 Deferred setupapi<elf>
\-PE 7e640000-7e6a3000 \ setupapi
ELF 7e6a3000-7e6db000 Deferred dinput<elf>
\-PE 7e6b0000-7e6db000 \ dinput
ELF 7e6db000-7e6f5000 Deferred dinput8<elf>
\-PE 7e6e0000-7e6f5000 \ dinput8
ELF 7e6f5000-7e762000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 7e710000-7e762000 \ msvcrt
ELF 7e762000-7e883000 Export wined3d<elf>
\-PE 7e770000-7e883000 \ wined3d
ELF 7e883000-7e8b4000 Export d3d9<elf>
\-PE 7e890000-7e8b4000 \ d3d9
ELF 7e8b4000-7e97b000 Deferred comctl32<elf>
\-PE 7e8c0000-7e97b000 \ comctl32
ELF 7e97b000-7e9a8000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
\-PE 7e980000-7e9a8000 \ ws2_32
ELF 7e9a8000-7ea94000 Deferred oleaut32<elf>
\-PE 7e9c0000-7ea94000 \ oleaut32
ELF 7ea94000-7eab4000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
\-PE 7eaa0000-7eab4000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 7eab4000-7eb1b000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
\-PE 7eac0000-7eb1b000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 7eb1b000-7ec2c000 Deferred ole32<elf>
\-PE 7eb40000-7ec2c000 \ ole32
ELF 7ec2c000-7ec81000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 7ec40000-7ec81000 \ advapi32
ELF 7ec81000-7ed21000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 7ec90000-7ed21000 \ gdi32
ELF 7ed21000-7ee6f000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 7ed40000-7ee6f000 \ user32
ELF 7ef8f000-7ef9b000 Deferred
ELF 7ef9b000-7efa6000 Deferred
ELF 7efa6000-7efbf000 Deferred
ELF 7efbf000-7efe5000 Deferred
ELF 7efe8000-7effc000 Deferred
ELF b7ca2000-b7cab000 Deferred
ELF b7cac000-b7cb0000 Deferred
ELF b7cb0000-b7e0e000 Deferred
ELF b7e0f000-b7e28000 Deferred
ELF b7e43000-b7f7a000 Deferred
ELF b7f7c000-b7f99000 Deferred
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000012 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000015 0
00000014 0
00000011 0
00000010 0
00000017 0
00000019 0
0000003d (D) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Prince of Persia\Prince of Persia.exe
00000013 0
0000000b 1
00000047 15
00000046 0
00000045 0
00000044 -1
00000043 -1 <==
00000042 0
00000041 0
00000040 0
0000003f 1
0000003e 0
=>1 0x7e831924 in wined3d (+0xc1924) (0x7d607ee0)
2 0x7e83b0a8 in wined3d (+0xcb0a8) (0x7d608000)
3 0x7e82e5f8 in wined3d (+0xbe5f8) (0x7d608030)
4 0x7e840da4 in wined3d (+0xd0da4) (0x7d608070)
5 0x7e83168c in wined3d (+0xc168c) (0x7d6080b0)
6 0x7e79b64e in wined3d (+0x2b64e) (0x7d608110)
7 0x7e79bab0 ActivateContext+0x60() in wined3d (0x7d608410)
8 0x7e7acb94 in wined3d (+0x3cb94) (0x7d608440)
9 0x7e89b67a in d3d9 (+0xb67a) (0x7d608470)
10 0x0048bd87 in prince of persia (+0x8bd87) (0x7d6084d4)
11 0x004aa378 in prince of persia (+0xaa378) (0x00000001)
12 0x00000000 (0x00000000)

wine :
$ wine --version
GNU_Raziel Wednesday 17 December 2008 at 23:55

You do not need to do anything more than the pol installer do...just set Textures to LOW and disable HD dll override, NOTHING more !!

And install 177.82 nvidia driver...
applekid Thursday 18 December 2008 at 18:58

I try to start PoP by using PlayOnLinux, but it showed a message "Runtime Error", title is "wine C++ runtime labray"
I try "wine Launcher.exe", the message show above...
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps OpenGL implementation supports 32 vertex samplers and 32 total samplers
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps Expected vertex samplers + MAX_TEXTURES(=8) > combined_samplers
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32e8f4,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32e548,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:devenumEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:devenumEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32e52c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:devenumEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:devenumEVENUM_ICreateDevEnum_CreateClassEnumerator Category {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not found
fixme:reg:GetNativeSystemInfo (0x32e3d4) using GetSystemInfo()
fixme:nls:GetGeoInfoW -1 8 0x32ebac 256 0

How can i solve this problem? Thank you...

GNU_Raziel Thursday 18 December 2008 at 21:03

If you do not Have an Nvidia Card you cannot play this game under linux (blame ATI driver)...If you have on (at least GF6600) update your driver to 177.82.
applekid Friday 19 December 2008 at 6:01

Thank you for your reply...

But my vga is 9400GT/512mb, and 177.82 nvidia driver is already installed,
Is anything i can do? thank you...
GNU_Raziel Friday 19 December 2008 at 12:06

Then make sure you use wine 1.1.10 and you have minimum requirement to play this game.
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